CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road

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Sailor Yue-chan:
if anyone actualy watched this episode, someone oughta make a gif of when syaoran slams into the bilboard. X-D


--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on July 18 2006, 04:29 pm ---i know the origins of all but the old guy. what anime is he from, and one last thing, what did he keep saying that made kuro NOT drink his tea? everytime kuro reached for his muc, the old guy mumbled something and kuro dropped his hand. O_o

--- End quote ---
the old man was Chang-An from magic knight rayearth (epi 31 to be exact).  He already appeared in Outo arc. Syaoran got his sword from him.
The old man was saying something philosophical about life example "Life is like a never-ending woven kimono."   
What shocked syaoran was the old man said something similar with Yuuko like "theres no such things as coincidence, everything was inevitable.  The fact that  you've all met was inevitable as well"

i just noticed that i still have to upload this ep to the downloadstopic....but i don't think i'm gonna watch it. I still have to recover from the news that Kuro's past will be done in only one episode *cries*


RAW has been added but what do i care? the anime is dead for me..


Okay, it watched it. Sorta. I was chatting on MSN, at the same time.
This episode seemed boring. And lacking humour. Syaoran slamming into that billboard... It could've been funny. But it really wasn't. Syaoran's expression was all serious. Like 'Oh, I'm going to avoid this thing.', but then he lamely slams into it anyway. In a boring and not-cute way.
The only thing good about this episode... Is the animation.
They also re-used too many songs.


Sailor Yue-chan:
i didnt really like them using "kaze no machi he" as a road trip song. kaze no machi he ios considered the kuro-fai theme!!!  :hmp:
(it was also anoying how they played the beginning of the song like 10 times thruout the whole ep!  :shifty:
also, the animation was OK, but kurogane and fai had bad hair day X(


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