AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road  (Read 43248 times)

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[TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« on: July 15 2006, 01:02 am »
Tsubasa Chronicle (Arc 2): Episode 12

This is the discussion topic for Episode 38 of TRC.

This episode is entitled: The Dangerous Road

-episode aired, topic unlocked
« Last Edit: July 16 2006, 01:01 am by Okamirei »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #1 on: July 16 2006, 09:21 am »
is the RAW up for it yet?
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #2 on: July 16 2006, 09:24 am »
I'm not sure if I even want to download this episode... I'll wait for responses from other people before deciding.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #3 on: July 18 2006, 11:54 am »
It sucked. So badly. SO bad.

It is also a two parter. Is anyone else seeing something wrong with this crappy filler story being TWO WHOLE EPISODES LONG but Piffle was only 3 episodes and Shurano was only 4...

Since we know that episodes 38 and 39 are both of this filler arc, and episode 40 is called "Black Steel" (Kuroki Hagane), if we assume that this is the episode we see Kurogane's past in, then it also has to be the episode where pretty much everything before they arrive at the big library happens. Episode 41 is called "The Library's Secret" and I am pretty sure that means they are going to the library where
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the book with Sakura's feather is at

So they are probably going to end up cramming Kurogane's past into... one episode. I hope I am wrong, but this is BeeTrain, professional canonrapers. -_-
« Last Edit: July 18 2006, 12:52 pm by meliwan »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #4 on: July 18 2006, 12:48 pm »
This episode just makes me think of white trash Tsubasa. So therefore, I'm refusing to watch it. I'm taking a firm stand against episodes like this.

Also, I refuse to watch any episodes from this point forward that involve a truck.

And cramming Kurograne's past into one episode just disrespects the character. Why are they devoting TWO WHOLE EPISODES to this stupid filler arc when they could be actually fleshing out the characters and giving them some DEPTH? Everyone is so dead in the Tsubasa anime, there's no life to any of the characters, they're just THERE.
« Last Edit: July 18 2006, 01:18 pm by Emiko »
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #6 on: July 18 2006, 01:25 pm »
Yeah, white-trash Tsubasa is a good way to put it, Emiko.

I think the only thing that made this episode watchable was the slight Syaoran torture, that was him smashing into a road sign. :XD: Oh yesh, my sadistic side LOVED that.
(*since when is your sadistic-ness a mer side, Suu?* shhhh... they don't know that.... )
And the rest of it? Lame. :/ Then again, the Rayearth crossover, who sold them swords in Outo was kinda amusing. :XD:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #7 on: July 18 2006, 01:29 pm »
And cramming Kurograne's past into one episode just disrespects the character. Why are they devoting TWO WHOLE EPISODES to this stupid filler arc when they could be actually fleshing out the characters and giving them some DEPTH? Everyone is so dead in the Tsubasa anime, there's no life to any of the characters, they're just THERE.

The way I see it, the anime manages to convey the story in a really general sense, like you get somewhat of an idea of what is going on, but the characters are poorly developed, they add things in that serve no purpose, and the artwork is shoddy.

The manga actually gives you a story, the characters are developed, the artwork is beautiful, the stories are planned out and each one serves a purpose in the larger scale.

So basically, the anime just gives us trash heap after trash heap after trash heap, it really irritates me how they cut out interactions and character development, only to throw in a mountain of unnessecary bull. It's really pathetic. BeeTrain has seriously made one of the WORST manga to anime adaptations I have ever seen in my life, and it makes me sad because it is of a manga that I love so much.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #8 on: July 18 2006, 02:02 pm »
The way I see it, the anime manages to convey the story in a really general sense, like you get somewhat of an idea of what is going on, but the characters are poorly developed, they add things in that serve no purpose, and the artwork is shoddy.

The manga actually gives you a story, the characters are developed, the artwork is beautiful, the stories are planned out and each one serves a purpose in the larger scale.

So basically, the anime just gives us trash heap after trash heap after trash heap, it really irritates me how they cut out interactions and character development, only to throw in a mountain of unnessecary bull. It's really pathetic. BeeTrain has seriously made one of the WORST manga to anime adaptations I have ever seen in my life, and it makes me sad because it is of a manga that I love so much.

*Sigh*. Agreed. I don't even care if Tsubasa gets a good dub or not anymore, the way it's going I'm certainly not going to buy it.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #9 on: July 18 2006, 02:52 pm »
I'd still buy the dub Ver. Of Tsubasa, just because I want to know who and what will play them, besides I need a drinking game for crying out is soda for those underage, hehe.....

Lets drink to the idea....ow lets have Mokona hold on the the feather for a while, if it gets stolen, drink, if not don't drink,
Drink to everytime Sakura falls get the point,
Ow here's a good one, drink to every character used more them once.

This is the anime, and it will not follow the manga, as sad it may be, but if it did follow the manga, word for word, it would be a little boaring, and we wouldn't have had the nice episode we had last week, so give it a try, yes a bus story is a little old, and seeing some of the things going on reminded me of a movie, Road Kill?, Road rage? well it was some sorta movie that had a road and a bus in it. What would  make a better filler ep is if they started reading fanfiction, hmm and hint may be.....

I just so hope Kurgane's past being animated will be longer then one ep...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #10 on: July 18 2006, 04:29 pm »
@kuro's past, i hope so to. and they BETTER not give us any more G-D fillers!~!! thers absolutly no room for them anywhere. sticking in a filler between lecourt and tokyo would RUIN the angsty tenseness feel.

as to this episode,  anyone notice teh bad-hair day kuro and fai kept haiving? when kuro was drinking tea with that old guy, he kept gaining an afro!! his bangs disapeared and his har got WIERD!!, and fai, especialy when they were looing at that map, looked like a girls wave look >_< when they resume the arc i hope they get the GOOD animaters X-(

i know the origins of all but the old guy. what anime is he from,  and one last thing, what did he keep saying that made kuro NOT drink his tea? everytime kuro reached for his muc, the old guy mumbled something and kuro dropped his hand. O_o
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #11 on: July 18 2006, 07:52 pm »
The old guy is from Magic knight rayearth season 2, I think.

Hmm... The episode is that bad, huh? Guess I'm not downloading it. I might flip through it on Youtube though.
No KuroxFai moments? Not-a one?

Kurogane's past in one episode? NOOOO! How are they gonna do that?!
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They'd have to immediately start with the gang walking into the library, and skip the cute scenes before that. Tch. Then they'd probably skip a few random Kurogane past scenes, that have nothing to do with Souhi, or Kurogane's dad's death. His mom's death will be cut down a bit too... Aaaand probably heavily cut down on Kurogane's crazy rampaging at the end. And then add some stupid TomoyoxKurogane scene.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #12 on: July 18 2006, 08:29 pm »
The old guy is from Magic knight rayearth season 2, I think.

Hmm... The episode is that bad, huh? Guess I'm not downloading it. I might flip through it on Youtube though.
No KuroxFai moments? Not-a one?

Kurogane's past in one episode? NOOOO! How are they gonna do that?!
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They'd have to immediately start with the gang walking into the library, and skip the cute scenes before that. Tch. Then they'd probably skip a few random Kurogane past scenes, that have nothing to do with Souhi, or Kurogane's dad's death. His mom's death will be cut down a bit too... Aaaand probably heavily cut down on Kurogane's crazy rampaging at the end. And then add some stupid TomoyoxKurogane scene.
yah, theyd slash it all to peices :( they might also cut out...
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that part where tomoyo uses her magic to slice thu kurogane's hand, pinning it to the wall. they dont want any blood in the anime, so soemthing like that would most likly be excluded :(
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #13 on: July 18 2006, 11:12 pm »
yah, theyd slash it all to peices :( they might also cut out...
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that part where tomoyo uses her magic to slice thu kurogane's hand, pinning it to the wall. they dont want any blood in the anime, so soemthing like that would most likly be excluded :(
yeah...I don't know what BeeTrain will do when they make Kamui's world (i don't remember name^^ U)...blood scares BeeTrain!!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #14 on: July 19 2006, 12:26 am »
Oh god, this episode...I guess it just goes to show that not even interdimensional travelers are spared from long, boring road trips. The animation looked pretty decent to me, though the bus, the landscape, and the way the former moved through the latter were all rather...lame.

I'm generally worried about the crossover characters because Bee-train doesn't actually know the personalities of these people if they had smaller roles in whatever part of TRC they showed up in. (I really hope they never decide to put Yasha in any filler because that would be disastrous.)

Rekord in two (maybe three) episodes does not sound good. At all. Piffle in three episodes was obviously a mistake, why do they keep doing this? They're just going to have to fill this season up with fillers, because I don't see how they can possibly start the Tokyo arc with it unfinished. It's not like they can stop in the middle of the arc and insert fillers (unless they want to make an entire episode of flashbacks in the middle of a dramatic moment, as they did in .hack//SIGN), and they can't keep pace with CLAMP, particularly if they want to keep going at this speed. It's not like they're incapable of covering the arcs...they did well by Shara/Shura, in my opinion, and also by most of the first season arcs. Why, Bee-train, why must you be so stupid?

Also, Bee-train needs to get over their hemophobia before the Tokyo arc. They
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #15 on: July 19 2006, 04:49 am »
May I ask something? WHY THE HECK DID BEE TRAIN DID SUCH A POOR EPISODE?! I don't understand why they keep adding filler episodes, they completely (well, some of them) spoil the manga. The manga is very diferent from the anime. *sigh* I started watching this episode and after the first three minutes I got bored. It isn't exciting, it is boring and lifeless...I hated it. And to think that it will be two episodes! ARGH!

So they are probably going to end up cramming Kurogane's past into... one episode. I hope I am wrong, but this is BeeTrain, professional canonrapers. -_-
I hate the fact that maybe they'll do Kurogane's past into one episode. It sucks, after all it is one of the things I'm looking forward to see. Instead of making these stupid filler episode into two parts, why don't they take priority into things that are part of the manga.  :angry:

they might also cut out...
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that part where tomoyo uses her magic to slice thu kurogane's hand, pinning it to the wall. they dont want any blood in the anime, so soemthing like that would most likly be excluded :(
And if they do this, I will cry in disapointment. Why does Bee Train hate blood so much, the manga isn't for little kids, so why did they made the anime so...bloodless?
And if they don't like blood so much, how are they gonna do the scene of chapter 121...
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When Syaoran takes Fai's eye out and eats it.
  Are they gonna cut that?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #16 on: July 19 2006, 05:12 am »
And if they don't like blood so much, how are they gonna do the scene of chapter 121...
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When Syaoran takes Fai's eye out and eats it.
  Are they gonna cut that?

Probably. But I'm placing my bet on rainbows and sparkles shooting out of Fai's eye before a magical orb of light drifts elegantly from Fai's eye socket into Syaoran's open palm. Oh, and Syaoran's shirt won't be partially ripped off.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #17 on: July 19 2006, 08:46 am »
Probably. But I'm placing my bet on rainbows and sparkles shooting out of Fai's eye before a magical orb of light drifts elegantly from Fai's eye socket into Syaoran's open palm. Oh, and Syaoran's shirt won't be partially ripped off.
nope. tho im sure when kamui rips syaoran to shreads wuith this vamp nails, only syaoran's shirt will get damaged, while syaoran faints at the site of his damaged black tunic and passout, turning into evil cone syao :confused:

anyone else notice the bad hariday everyone kept having in this episde? kuro kept getting a afro and fai...x_x
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #18 on: July 19 2006, 08:50 am »
An Afro?! Kuro with an afro?! I have to see that! XD

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 12: The Dangerous Road
« Reply #19 on: July 19 2006, 09:09 am »
it happens when he's drinking tea wth that old man. whenever he reaches for his mug, the old guy says something, kuroturns his head and AFRO! his bangs disaoear and everything >_<
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