And cause, though I understand her shock, she takes up way too much "screen time" this chapter to make pathetic faces and shout names when we COULD be seeing mroe of the SyaoranxSyaoran fight or Kurogane going batshit.
....Yeah. That too. XD
And this is why, CLAMP leaves it cliff-hanging so we'll have to wait like hungry dogs for the next chapter. Â

  More action should be next chapter. This was only the beginning of the Syaoran x Syaoran fight. As CLAMP states at the end of the chapter: --Next issue, who will be the victor!?
I have to agree that Sakura is still sort of useless (in terms of really pitching in) but since we're farrrr from the end of Tsubasa, her moment will hopefully shine sometime soon in the future.......right CLAMP? Sakura still did do something. I mean, she wasn't a total living human "doll" or "empty shell".
Thank you Pikari for the translations! ^o^ Everything makes sense now.Â
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So, R!Syaoran was able to see through his clone's eye after all, thus, that's how he knows Sakura!  Ahh. So, it was that obvious. I see.  When FWR was stating that R!Syaoran didn't make it in time, I have a feeling he was saying that in a happy tone of voice telling by his expression. o_o
Wait, what if the "seal" can come back? Even though, it looked like it dissipated into the air, what if it went somewhere just like the feathers?  Suddenly, the thought of "Pinocchio" comes into mind when thinking of Clone!Syaoran. >_>   Â