Well, if you remember a few chapters back, R!Syaoran used his right hand (which is mostly known as the dominant hand) to put his "left" eye into C!Syaoran's "right" eye. That's how CLAMP drew that scene. That's how it ended up that C!Syaoran became blind on his "right" eye.  It may not make sense as to why a "left" eye became a "right" eye, but, I guess..., it really doesn't matter which eye you take to put into your clone.  O_o As long as it can carry the sealing spell correctly, it should work.
The Tokyo Tower collapsed?
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Ah.. You may want to hide that (into spoiler tags) unless chapter 123 comes out sooner than we think.  And no, the summary didn't mean the Tokyo Tower collapsed, but, it might have. Tokyo Tower is mainly a tourist trap with a McDonald's attached to it. Actually, I don't even remember if Tokyo Tower was left standing in Tsubasa. Must go back to check. ^_^  The word "government" comes into play. To me, it seems like everything's about to collapse!  The "Diet Building" comes into mind because that's a government building. >_>
Edit no. 2: It's quite amusing on the Japanese Tsubasa forum. Some of them are getting confused about the differences between Syaorans.  Several of them seem to think CCS!Syaoran = Real!Syaoran.  Hehe...ehhh... O_o;