CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 13: The Beginning of Separation

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Tsubasa Chronicle (Arc 2): Episode 13

This is the discussion topic for Episode 39 of TRC.

This episode is entitled: The Beginning of Separation

-episode aired, topic unlocked

Ĺ akura:
Torrent file here:  :hello2:[704x396_DivX511].avi.torrent


This is seriously the worst episode they have ever made. I hated it so much.

The animation and character design was TERRIBLE, the plot was absolutely pointless, the soundtrack didn't work at all... I don't even know what they were thinking in releasing such an utterly pointless and badly done episode.

Did I mention Show contentSakura shooting at bad guys with a laser gun?
Such an awful episode. They should just erase it from existance. BeeTrain has seriously ruined this anime beyond rescue. Every week I tell myself that hopefully the next episode will be better, but it never happens.  :cry:

Sailor Yue-chan:
woohoo [/sarcasm] i doubt there will be many seeds. so ill wait for the direct DL

--- Quote from: meliwan on July 23 2006, 10:41 am ---
Did I mention Show contentSakura shooting at bad guys with a laser gun?Such an awful episode. They should just erase it from existance.

--- End quote ---

again, why the hell wouldthey even THINK of doing that!?

oh my god, the screen shotsw >_<
i think im gonna be sick. sakrua is so OOC with that evil look in her eye. and WHT the hell is up with the levitating syoaran!>? that SUPOSED to be Yuki???  :sad6: :angry1: :BangHead:

damn you bee train! you must DIE for what you did!!!  :violent1: :angry5: :evil1:


--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on July 23 2006, 10:42 am ---woohoo [/sarcasm] i doubt there will be many seeds. so ill wait for the direct DL

again, why the hell wouldthey even THINK of doing that!?

oh my god, the screen shotsw >_<
i think im gonna be sick. sakrua is so OOC with that evil look in her eye. and WHT the hell is up with the levitating syoaran!>? that SUPOSED to be Yuki???  :sad6: :angry1: :BangHead:

damn you bee train! you must DIE for what you did!!!  :violent1: :angry5: :evil1:

--- End quote ---
Yes it does suck... but at leat we get Kuro's past next week :D


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