CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 13: The Beginning of Separation

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Yeah, that's true, although I think it was a different singer for the background music... leastways there are several versions of the song available for download in various places...

The radio idea would have been so cool, Capella-san!! If only...

Sailor Yue-chan:
Sakrua sang the song in the episode Yuki Kajura sang teh BG english version. the japanese version has never been used as background music.

BTW: i wrote a reveiw for this episode onm
feel free to agree with me  :XD:

btw...quick question: am i the only one who has removed "Kaze no machi he": from their playlists? i cat listen to it cuz of what beetrain has done. : :cry: i love the song, but listening to it now makes me think of thsi horible filler

Show contentOh gosh, I can't believe I would rather had Sakura go "Princesses aren't allowed to handle weapons." than to actually use one. o_o;; And... she managed to hit one of the bombs? Without any previous knowledge/skill of how to handle such a weapon?!  What are the chances of that? >.< And gosh... Squeezing the story of Kurogane's past into one episode... At least I hope it will be action-packed... :cry:

The animation was awful in this episode..x_x; I only watched the ending on youtube....cause I got exciting to see the preview for Kuro's past. ^_^

I wonder what their voices are gonna sound like.....

are they gonna make of names for his parents? On the official site, when you go to view the characters, the usually have names....o.o; unless they put like 'Kuroganes' mother' XD

Okay, I haven't watched the episode, but from what I heard I can't bear to see it. It isn't fair that BeeTrain is ruining this great manga, why are they doing these monotonous fillers!  :angry:

And what's up with this?! Sakura holding a laser gun and actually shooting with it?! This is sooo stupid, it takes out her kind and child-like atmosphere around her. She looks!  :sad5:

*sigh* It's so sad they put Kuro-puppy's past into one episode... :cry:


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