CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa as a live action movie?

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--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on July 25 2006, 05:20 pm ---*tries to picture a powerful ninja like kuro singing X-3*

a musical wouldnt be such a ad idea. Sailor Moon has dozens of sucessful musicals.

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[off topic]
A powerful ninja singing?  I've seen clips from Azumi, Naruto and Bleach musical ( those titiles had lots of powerful ninja and samurai characters in the story) and it turn out to be decent. But don't worry chances for having a musical is low because its not a shounen jump title.
[/off topic]

I don't think anyone's good-looking enough to take on Syaoran's role. *cough* Eh, If they are going to hire anyone other than Japanese to act, I don't think it'll be convincing enough... And where are they going to find someone with black hair and red eyes? And even if they do, that guy will look... weird... o_o; It's just that certain things that look real nice in the anime/manga may not be appealing in real life. >.< Like a manjuu-shaped bunny.

Sailor Yue-chan:
^ right, the eyes would be the hardest thing to master. kuro has beady red eyes, fai has LaRGE blue eyes, and sakura has bright emerald eyes :S


--- Quote from: Airashii on July 25 2006, 11:49 am ---No actor could play Fai. There isn't one that is as beautiful as he is!  :hello2: And Kurogane, one can play him either.  :hehe:

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Viggo Mortensen as Kurogane would work. Orlando Bloom as Fai too, now that I think of it. And Elijah Wood as Syaoran. On that note, the entire cast of LOTR fits the Tsubasa thing so well. XD Except for Sakura. I dunno who will play Sakura. XD

Red eyes don't show up well on film, it's too difficult to capture emotion in them and they end up looking weird.  That's why in the Harry Potter movies, they didn't give Voldemort red eyes.  So if there were a TRC movie, I doubt Kuro would have red eyes. [/film major mode]


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