CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Tsubasa as a live action movie?
--- Quote from: Takeru ¥amamoto on July 25 2006, 08:02 pm ---Viggo Mortensen as Kurogane would work. Orlando Bloom as Fai too, now that I think of it. And Elijah Wood as Syaoran. On that note, the entire cast of LOTR fits the Tsubasa thing so well. XD Except for Sakura. I dunno who will play Sakura. XD
--- End quote ---
Oh no! Viggo Mortensen is far too ugly for Kuro! *gets beaten up by the Viggo fans* And Orlando Bloom is too manly for Fye, IMHO.
I kinda want to see it, just to see how bad it would be. xDD The Bleach Musical, the Prince of Tennis musicals and the Death Note movie both look great, so you never know, it could turn out all right.
Ewww.. no !
Orlando Bloom as Fai!!! Ewwww -_-
I don't think there's an actor alive that 's pretty enough to play Fai.
And I agree with you, Airashii, Orlando Bloom as Fai would just make people go, "ZOMg LegolaSSss!!1!!"
Ohmygawd, NO! *faints*
(But if someone has to play Fye, maybe Gackt? *gets bricked* Just a silly thought... *hides*)
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