CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa as a live action movie?

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--- Quote from: Kjesta on August 01 2006, 02:59 am ---Ohmygawd, NO! *faints*

(But if someone has to play Fye, maybe Gackt? *gets bricked* Just a silly thought... *hides*)

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XD XD XD Ha ha!! Isn't Gackt's voice a litte manly? XD Imagine GACKT saying "Hyuu!" Although it'd be entertaining, I doubt it'd work.

Heh, the only existing person I've seen with proportions remotely like Fai's is Miyavi. And anyone who has seen Miyavi knows Miyavi CAN'T be Fai!!! XD XD

Kuro: Shut up, you annoying mage!
Miyavi!Fai: Miyavi desu. *rocking around with his ADD*
Kuro: *blink blink*
Miyavi!Fai: Miyavi desu. *ADD continues*


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on August 01 2006, 03:06 am ---XD XD XD Ha ha!! Isn't Gackt's voice a litte manly? XD Imagine GACKT saying "Hyuu!" Although it'd be entertaining, I doubt it'd work.

Heh, the only existing person I've seen with proportions remotely like Fai's is Miyavi. And anyone who has seen Miyavi knows Miyavi CAN'T be Fai!!! XD XD

Kuro: Shut up, you annoying mage!
Miyavi!Fai: Miyavi desu. *rocking around with his ADD*
Kuro: *blink blink*
Miyavi!Fai: Miyavi desu. *ADD continues*

--- End quote ---

lmao, that's hilarious :hehe: I don't know much about Miyavi (I'm not so much into VK, y'know) but it sounds like Kuro would be just as annoyed as he is by Fye.

And I thought of Gackt mostly because of his hair. But him saying Hyuu... *snickers*


--- Quote from: Kjesta on August 01 2006, 03:17 am ---lmao, that's hilarious :hehe: I don't know much about Miyavi (I'm not so much into VK, y'know) but it sounds like Kuro would be just as annoyed as he is by Fye.

And I thought of Gackt mostly because of his hair. But him saying Hyuu... *snickers*

--- End quote ---

Well Miyavi is spacy and hyper and weird..... Well, with just that description he sounds like Fai, but trust me, he's not like him at all! XD Because he's also immature, egotistical, and... and... MIYAVI.. There really is no way to describe him.. Truth be told, tons of people hate him for all of his negative traits (there are many), but frankly he's so pretty I like him anyway. And although he's pretty, he's got too many facial piercings to be Fai! XD

And which Gackt hair were you thinking? XD Are you thinking of Vanilla PV hair? Because that's the only Gackt hair I can think of that looks at all like Fai's! Ah, actually Malice Mizer Gackt's Le Ciel hair looks MORE like Fai's, it's just gotta be blonde..

But hey! You guys know who would make a good Syaoran? Kinya! XD XD *runs away before she's attacked*

Sailor Yue-chan:
for fai i saw this CD on sale at walmart, but i forget the isnger's name, but his picture: the perfect shade of blue eye4s and the closest thing to fai's hair style. (it would just need a bleach job to be fai's hair color) toobad i dont remember his name time i go to the muisic section at walmar5t ill tell you

I think it wouldn't work, Seeing T


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