CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Tsubasa as a live action movie?
i would definitely like to see Tsubasa in live action. it'd be interesting to watch :keke: plus i'd like to see who'd play syaoran and sakura
--- Quote from: Cherry tiger on August 27 2006, 01:13 am ---Really? I thought PGSM was good... granted, it wasn't catchy at the beginning. But the actors were great and they did a great job and I applaud them for that. In a sense, at least they didn't ruin Sailr Moon's name. They did garner new fans... my only problem with the series would just be Luna. But that's going off topic...
A live action series might work... we might all be complaining about tiny details, knowing us, who like to compare to the original work. Something like, "Kurogane's eyes aren't red" or "The guy acting as Fye isn't good looking enough" or something like that... but if the storyline is done well and the actors acted well, the series would be enjoyable. That was something I've learnt from PGSM. It may be nothing compared to the original series, but it's still possible for it to be entertaining.
Though if it's American... -_- I still have doubts over Americans doing something that's from Japan. No offence, but so far I haven't seen one decent show that the Americans adapted from Japan.
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I agree with that Americans can't really adapt japanese things that well..... and I AM American. :sweatdrop:
I would see it if it came out, if to only see who was cast and how bad it is. But i hoped it doesn't..... It would sorta wierd. I mean just stike to Anime people! its preetier :XD:
I agree, I would entirly ruin the plot and all, If the Japanese did it then maybe... but Americans WILL ruin it !
No....I don't think it would work out. I love watching Japanese/Asian live action, but for this story and this material, it SO wouldn't work out. We can say all we want about finding actors, but when it coems down to it you usually never get both talent and looks in one package when comming off of an anime/manga series. Its either wonderful talent, but looks very little like the character: even different hair color or height, Or they look very similar to the character but their acting sucks and its impossible to take them seriously. Dramas(series) are usually well made, but the chraters never really look like the characters, but the acting can be wonderful. I just can't see them doing a great job on special effects......
*off topic*
Yet, I was completely blown away by Ryuku from DeathNote!! *faints*
kool that wouldn't be a bad idea XD, *mumbles* i bet i'm the only one saying this
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