CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa as a live action movie?

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bie liao:
I think I'd watch it if American's didn't act it out.  I'm definitely interested in the IDEA of a live action movie, but I think the entire time I'd be cringing cause it wouldn't be the voices or people I'd know.  Then I'd watch it again and be like "Hey, that wasn't so bad..."

It depends on who acts (and to the Miyavi thing HAHA I KNOW WOW.)

EDIT: I LOVE MY FRIEND.  She suggested Changmin from Dong Bang Shin Ki as Syaoran.  <33333  I could see that Ignoring the Korean-ness.

NO!!!Thats what I said!!
Why does want to make as live-action movie???
The anime has special features......
And if want to make live-action movvie,who will be the main 5 characs???
Talking bout main characs,who will be Mokona???
This anime,if gonna make as live-act movie,it will need many actors & actresses!!
And....the location.....many location lah.......
Kudan!Cross time dimension!!All this will need a very,very special graphics....
And...I think the 1st ep they will not able to continue it....
About the place,cross time dimension & many more!!Especially the magic one...(duh,dont know what name it is)The circle when they arrive in Yuuko's place...
Really hard to make it.......
Urgh,too long...What do you guys think bout mine??

Unless this is officially announced by clamp, we have nothing to worry about. I remember reading an interview, and they were asked if they were ever to make one of their manga/animes into a live-action, they would choose chobits.

And even if they do make it into a live-action movie, god knows how disappointed the Japanese fans would be. They would have a better chance finding Japanese people who come close to fitting the character, than Caucasian actors that look nothing like 'em.

YES! If japanese people did it, I would watch it! But Fai, he looks more american, you know with being blond and blue eyed.

It would be cool if Tsubasa turned into a live action movie, but personally I live live actions are not usually as good as the originals


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