CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa as a live action movie?

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No. i definately not agree. it would be weird.  :(

I think I would like to see a trailer for it, but I don't think an entire movie would work. Y'know how you see a trailer and you think, "Holy god, I must see that!"? and then you do and you were sort of like..."Hrm." and then have a lot of complaints...? That would be TRC live action.

The no red eyes thing would piss me off, you'll never find a man as gay and manly as Fai...nor as pretty and I'd probably HATE Sakura. She'd be one of those stupid twins who are famous for...being anorexic. I'd really love to see it done by a fantastic anime crew. Maybe...Naruto and Sukisyo. Loveless was a pretty good anime too. I <3 them so! Just get rid of Bee-Train.  They are the worst.

I've tried for ages before to think of good actors for TRC, Orlando Bloom = OMGZ HELLZ NO!, and I knwo the rock is a big wrestling dumbo head, but he wouldn't be too far off for Kurogane. Maybe Brad Pitt....smoking body...good actor....he's got the hair....smoking body...
A girl would probably be best for Fai. *thinks of possible women* Erm....Christina Ricci? She has no boobies.

Cherry tiger:
Ever saw this video on YouTube about another person's opinion on who should act for the live action? It's quite amusing... Especially what the person chose for Yuuko. XD Lol!

That video's casting of Syaoran made me want to cry. :XD: Just... no. (And something about the way she spelled 'through' annoyed me to, but that's irrelevant.)

If they were going to cast it using american actors, they'd have to find some great unknown faces, for people to be able to take it seriously. Maybe that's just me, though. :/

As of yet, I only know one live action CLAMP movie, and that was Tokyo Babylon, and its wasn't that bad, the Japanese did it.

Now is Tsubasa where to be Live action, I think it would be a good idea if it was under the right director, and CLAMP at the heels saying, "you better get this right or else..."

Well for the casting, Syaoran would be Chinese, Sakura Japanese, Kurogane Japanese, Fai Russian/American/ Any blonde haird blue eyed person. Mokona, could be a computer animated doll or be a puppit.


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