AuthorTopic: Chapter 123  (Read 93532 times)

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #20 on: July 27 2006, 03:37 am »
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #21 on: July 27 2006, 03:40 am »
That looked kinda... dirty, ohohohohohoho XD

I thought it was interesting towards the end, but the beginning was *yawn*

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Clone!Syaoran is so badass.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #22 on: July 27 2006, 03:43 am »
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.

Cool theory!, Though I would find it kindda of confusing!  :hehe:
Argh, I can't post, everyone is posting replies too fast! :heh:

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #23 on: July 27 2006, 03:47 am »
XD I miss the mad post rush of chapter 120.

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The ending WAS more interesting than the beginning, with Syaoran being all grabby. I guess it's cause I'm not hugely interested in Syaoran or Sakura that I didn't find the chapter that interesting overall. Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #24 on: July 27 2006, 03:51 am »
XD I miss the mad post rush of chapter 120.

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The ending WAS more interesting than the beginning, with Syaoran being all grabby. I guess it's cause I'm not hugely interested in Syaoran or Sakura that I didn't find the chapter that interesting overall. Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.
Same here. I miss it. One page every 5 minutes. Those were the days

And as for Kuroxfai
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isn't kuro is holding fai even closier  :hehe: kind of like KISS ME
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #25 on: July 27 2006, 03:53 am »
Ooo, I can actually translate the last half of the chapter!

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If Syaoran has just cut open the coccoon to get the feather out then does that mean Subaru will have to wake up?

OMG SQUEE!!!!!!!!  SUBARU!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Okay, so as for THIS chapter, lots of Sakura pleading with both the Syaorans, Real!Syaoran using magic (Raitei Shourai too!  I could read THAT from the furigana!), Clone!Syaoran acting all creepy and possesive/protective/single minded over Sakura.

Can't wait for translations...the Syaorans' dialogues need it.

Ooo, I can translate the last half (cause it's easy!)

Sakura: Yamede!!!  [Stop!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun o korosanaide!!!  [Don't kill Syaoran-kun!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Subaru: Matte, Kamui  [Wait, Kamui]
Kamui: Subaru!?
Subaru: Matte [Wait]
Sakura:Dame!  [Don't!]
Sakura: Iya, matte [No, wait]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Pg 20
Syaoran: Hane wa torimodosu kanarazu [I'll return the feather without fail]

Yeah, I know, that's the easy bit of the chapter but still!

Subaru speaking!  And letting Syaoran take the feather!

I am one HAPPY fangirl!

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #26 on: July 27 2006, 04:18 am »
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.

umm...i think the one of clow country and CCS are different....welll i think i read it could be not entriely sure myself either.....

*so glad chapter 123 is out*   :keke:

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #27 on: July 27 2006, 04:35 am »
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I'm presuming that the CCS references were to emphasize the 'realness' (apologies for the lack of coherency) of that Syaoran. I'm guessing that sort of power wouldn't be replicated in the cloning process, plus he'd need to be taught how to use it. I dunno, just seemed to me to highlight that clone!Syaoran is, well, just a clone.

Hopefully someone understands what I'm trying to get at. I sure don't.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #28 on: July 27 2006, 04:38 am »

^My brain.

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Can we say RAPE personal space?  He's all up on her, man.  And I feel really bad.  I was fangirling so hard over the sword he pulled from nowhere that I completely missed the sword through Real!Syaoran's leg until I looked down at Sakura (who was once again freaking out) and was like "Uhm?  Whats up with he- ALKDJFLAKSDJFLKDJF!~ HIS LEG~"

I screamed so loudly, I spoiled the entire series in one breath for my sister, who came running in here and had to be explained what the heck was going on.

I need a translation SO BADLY ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY.  I want to know wtf is going on with Subaru and the last FRIKKEN PAGE OF WHAT IS HE DOING.

I think I may need a paramedic...
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #29 on: July 27 2006, 04:53 am »
I too need a translation quick!  :sad5:

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #30 on: July 27 2006, 05:01 am »
Yes!   Great chapter for us S+S fans!    :sweatdrop:  

I thought everyone learned that....
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CCS!Syaoran does not equal Real!Syaoran!  I keep repeating it but no one listens here..   >_< Oh well.  That's the only thing that keeps me from being confused.    I agree that Real!Syaoran will have very similar traits to CCS!Syaoran but he isn't CCS!Syaoran!   CCS!Syaoran belongs to Yuuko's dimension.   CLAMP emphasized of having Real!Syaoran share similar abilities to CCS!Syaoran so we can acknowledge that he is well..."real".  

Hemph.  At least, now I know why the Japanese Tsubasa board keeps putting "CCS" in almost every single one of their posts.  

Telling from that forum as well as in that person's summary of the chapter, R!Syaoran is telling C!Syaoran something about when he passed half of his heart/mind to him, and how, he was able to solve things from him as well?  So, half a mind, right?  

And oooh...  How is R!Syaoran going to get out of his mess with an injury like that?  Actually, nevermind.  He'll get out of it no matter what.   That last page is very very creepy to me.  I mean, if I put myself in Sakura's shoes and stare into emotionless C!Syaoran's face.  The only words he'll say are, "I will return the feathers without fail."      (Thanks to selenityshiro's translation)   I'll be frozen stiff!  :D  

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #31 on: July 27 2006, 05:02 am »

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i am soo over C!syaoran. i feel sorry for R!syaoran, at least it wasn't his heart 0_0
sakura seems prettier in this chapter....edit: it seems that sakura doesn't want syaoran to kill syaoran:D
maybe if sabaru appears, he can kill....wait not kill but like make syaoran doesn't kill everyone 0_0
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #32 on: July 27 2006, 05:14 am »
This chapter was sort of boring....hopefully nexts weeks will be more interesting...>_>;

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Tetsu is not claimed! So Tetsu Inada is mine!! XD or until Kurogane is available again. ^-^

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #33 on: July 27 2006, 05:16 am »
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran.  I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran.  I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Feel bad for Clone Syaoran, but worse for Syaoran.  See?

but that's just me.
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #34 on: July 27 2006, 05:22 am »
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I like the chapter but... it was kinda boring, anyway, the cocoon is open! Subaru has Spoke to Kamui and OMG!!! will he wake up now?

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #35 on: July 27 2006, 05:23 am »
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran. I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran. I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Feel bad for Clone Syaoran, but worse for Syaoran. See?

but that's just me.

 *agrees agrees*   Remember, CLAMP made Tsubasa in a way so that no one has to read the "original" manga of where the CLAMP characters came from in order to understand Tsubasa.  ^_0  So, for those who haven't read CCS at all, we proudly introduce to you...... R!Syaoran!  Mwahahahah!!       (Another example of this would be the game, Kingdom Hearts.)

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #36 on: July 27 2006, 05:25 am »
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sakura seems prettier in this chapter....
She looks an awful lot like Kobato actually...
I hope Subaru comes out soon. He's a better target to terrorize than poor Sakura. The TokyoBabylon/Xesque exchange just doesn't work with Syaoran. Any Syaoran. Though he does look like Kamui and/or Ashura here.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #37 on: July 27 2006, 05:34 am »
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran.  I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran.  I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Ah, *this* is what I was trying to say. Although you did it much better than me. ^^;

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #38 on: July 27 2006, 05:38 am »
I managed to read a few posts before the download completed and therefore was expecting to be more bored - however my expectations were exceeded in the end by the last few pages that are very very creepy but dramatically working very well.

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In a twisted way C!Syaoran's grabby behaviour towards Sakura made me regain a little fascination with him for the appearance of R!Syaoran and the clone getting a "personality wipe" had caused me to lose real interest or care for C!S.

Poor R!S!

Seeing as now two people are out with wound, that we are at least a quarter away from the end of the series and Sakura's feather being found (and I would predict that she'll faint once more), a theory kind of formed in my head, mostly from overimaginative mind.
But it depends majorly on whether C!Syaoran is able to travel between the worlds with half of Fai's magic; less on whether there is another feather in that world.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #39 on: July 27 2006, 05:52 am »
Maybe I'm just easily amused, but I didn't find the chapter boring.

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Sakura looks lovely on the splash page.

Creepy stuff with clone!Syaoran and Sakura's feather at the end...The way he was treating her was just so opposite of how he acted with his heart. Mind, I love creepy stuff.

The bubble breaking is good. And why is Subaru a disembodied voice? Wow, can CLAMP ever hold on to something and refuse to give it up. How long have we known that Subaru was in this room without seeing him, now?

I don't think real!Syaoran having the same attack as CCS!Syaoran means anything in particular. The TRC versions of Souma, Ryuu-ou, Ashura, and Yasha all have the weapons and attacks they did in RG Veda, but they are clearly not the same people. (One day I will get through a discussion without mentioning RG Veda, but that day is not today.) It's just another crossover.

Sword through the leg = oww...
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