AuthorTopic: Chapter 123  (Read 109163 times)

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #40 on: July 27 2006, 05:52 am »
i just noticed

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sakura just woke up last chapter....she sleeps again?! 0_0.....

just a random thing
by me.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #41 on: July 27 2006, 05:59 am »

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She can't go to sleep all over again, that would be pointless.  Maybe for the first time, she managest to stay awake?

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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #42 on: July 27 2006, 06:01 am »
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Sakura is going to sleep again!!   I mean, she just got that feather into her body so...   That's great  (in sarcastic tone of voice).   >_<  Just when we thought she was going to stay awake for some time, she's probably now going to act like a human Poke'ball for C!Syaoran to contain those feathers, ne?  (Hehe...and excuse me for comparing her with a Poke'ball.   I just find it a bit amusing.)    Oh well.  This is shonen so boys should be more of the main action than the girls.  *sighs*

Maybe, it is better if everyone stops collecting the feathers back to Sakura?  I mean, the price in the end is going to be heavy because this is excatly what FWR wants.  O___O

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #43 on: July 27 2006, 06:04 am »
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I can't believe they'd wake her up so she could scream and cry a little and then put her to sleep again.  That's just...UGH.

And I wanna think that somewhere, deeeeeeeep inside of CSyao, there's a bit of that heart left, or something.  Otherwise, S/S is done.  Because, however silly it sounds, now she IS like his human Poke'ball.

How depressing for the fans.
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #44 on: July 27 2006, 06:05 am »
*falls flat on her face*


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Okay, as is well know I am a COMPLETE KuroFai fangirl...but I also love Those final pages - the last two - Really hot. I loved the emphasis Clamp placed on making the lips stand out on both of them and my fangirl was split into three parts:

Fangirl #1: *still fawning over the tiny little panel with Kurogane and Fai where it looks like Kurogane is holding Fai closer than in the previous chapter*

Fangirl #2: *sat there thinking: 'Zomg. Clone Syaoran just got twelve times hotter. Okay, Real!Syaoran for the win, but Clone!Syaoran - WITHOUT EMOTIONS - is freakin' hot. Hotter than he was beforehand.'**gurgle*

Fangirl #3: *spazzing going: 'I DO NOT CARE IF YOU ARE A CLONE. KISS HER. KISS HER. GO ON. KISS HER. GWAH.'*

And little itty bitty fangirl #4 was going 'Wah. Not much clonecest...ness...'


I suppose it was a little bit of a disappointing chapter, as I really expected something to happen with Fai. Here's to hoping he wakes up next week and there's a nice KuroFai hint. Woo woo! (there is a chapter next week...right?) But the SyaoXSaku bits...even if it was cloney boy, were nice. And hot. In their way. But I already said that.

*sets up camp for next chapter* ^w^


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Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.

For the record, I miss the sheer crack of the Chapter 120 thread after we all went mad.

And I completely agree with your hopes for the next chapter. Especially the last part. *insert Tomoyo!Laugh here* Ohohohoho...

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #45 on: July 27 2006, 06:13 am »
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Maybe, it is better if everyone stops collecting the feathers back to Sakura?  I mean, the price in the end is going to be heavy because this is excatly what FWR wants.  O___O

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That might be the best thing for the main characters. The only problem is countries like Koryo, Hanshin, Idols, and Outo where the feathers are being used in ways that are...not exactly good for the residents of those worlds. Since we don't know exactly what FWR wants, that might be the worse option on multiversal terms. Are our characters concerned with that at all? Or just with Syaoran and Sakura?

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Okay, as is well know I am a COMPLETE KuroFai fangirl...but I also love Those final pages - the last two - Really hot. I loved the emphasis Clamp placed on making the lips stand out on both of them

*sets up camp for next chapter* ^w^

I completely agree.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #46 on: July 27 2006, 06:17 am »
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sakura: NOOOOO! NO!!!! SYAORAN!!! NO!!!!NO!NO!NO!NO!
kamui, two syaorans, kuro and fai : OMG.....shut her up somebody
C!syao: dude, she's loud..*gets the feather put her to sleep*
everyone: that's better :D
by me.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #47 on: July 27 2006, 06:26 am »
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sakura: NOOOOO! NO!!!! SYAORAN!!! NO!!!!NO!NO!NO!NO!
kamui, two syaorans, kuro and fai : OMG.....shut her up somebody
C!syao: dude, she's loud..*gets the feather put her to sleep*
everyone: that's better :D

Can we please not start the Sakura-bashing again?  What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY?  Would you just sit there quietly and smile?  I hope not...

It just seems pointless to do this all over again.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #48 on: July 27 2006, 06:27 am »
Can we please not start the Sakura-bashing again? What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY? Would you just sit there quietly and smile? I hope not...

It just seems pointless to do this all over again.

I'm with you on this one. No Sakura bashing. The girl is going through a pretty tough time.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #49 on: July 27 2006, 06:30 am »
What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY?  Would you just sit there quietly and smile?  I hope not...

i don't think that's possible in there's no way guys would fight over me...0_0
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #50 on: July 27 2006, 06:32 am »
The same goes for me. Don't start the Sakura bashing. Sakura is in a pretty rough situation. I mean, her Syaoran is evil. To me Sakura is pretty strong if she is just crying and screaming, if that happened to me, I would have already fainted or vomited over the scene, something much more dramatic.  :XD:

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #51 on: July 27 2006, 06:35 am »
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That was a very amusing chapter ^_^ i for one did enjoy the battle sceene!  I am routing for R.S!  I dont think he is related to anything with ccs cause of the clothing, and pluse that would make C.S part of ccs also since he is part of R.S and that would mean he already would have a Sakura in a way.

As for for FWR, i think he wants the feathers but is having Sakura collecting them while trying to gain them for himself.  He probably wants to shove them all back into Sakura and use her as a implemented tool for his own purposes.  As we can see those feathers are increadibly powerful so imagine if they were all back in Sakura, and not just that, the feathers powres are activated a bit now, so FWR would try to use her as a tool to gain what he may want.  As far as trying to steal a efw feathers, he is probably only trying to do that to lure his victems to him.

I think the C.S just lost  everything that made him real, in a sense, less of a shell then he was before becaus ehe is a clone.  I also think since R.S took everything that was in C.S back, that the only thing that is keeping C.S. moving or not all out crazy violent then he probaby can go now, is the wish he made with the dimension witch to get all the feathers back, that power pluse the feelings he may/may not have for Sakura combined is doing this to him now.  So basically he is now a machine trying to compute and do w/e to get the feathers back into her, even by forcing it to her.

Thats my input for what i can tell for now... >_< I hope the R.S can pull through.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #52 on: July 27 2006, 06:35 am »
Hey, uhm... I heard like... a pretty long time ago, that CLAMP was planning 21 volumes for Tsubasa. Does that still stand? Because, if I'm not mistaken, that leaves only 5 volumes now. Right?

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #53 on: July 27 2006, 06:36 am »
if i were in sakura's place, i'd be shock that there is another person standing who looks exactly like syaoran and
more shocked that he got someone's eye0_0
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #54 on: July 27 2006, 06:37 am »
The same goes for me. Don't start the Sakura bashing. Sakura is in a pretty rough situation. I mean, her Syaoran is evil. To me Sakura is pretty strong if she is just crying and screaming, if that happened to me, I would have already fainted or vomited over the scene, something much more dramatic.  :XD:
I do agree a bit

I was sakura, I would bit in a state of shock.
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two boyfriends, one with blood on face, trying to kill each other, one goes down with a sword in his LEG O_O, syaoran comes to you, opens the thingly, then rips open and grabs you the feather, and your face to face. I will be in a state of shock. No dout about that.
p.s, Becster I like your chobits sig, and that CHI IS HIDEKI, and not fai, because fai is taken ^^;;
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #55 on: July 27 2006, 06:38 am »
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That might be the best thing for the main characters. The only problem is countries like Koryo, Hanshin, Idols, and Outo where the feathers are being used in ways that are...not exactly good for the residents of those worlds. Since we don't know exactly what FWR wants, that might be the worse option on multiversal terms. Are our characters concerned with that at all? Or just with Syaoran and Sakura?

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   That's true.   Most of the worlds we've been to were having problems of their own caused by the feathers.  That does provide a dilemma of some sort because it's between collecting the feathers for evil or collecting the feathers for the sake of everyone's safety.    Clow!Syaoran and everyone else weren't fully aware of the truth of their journey.   Only Yuuko, FWR,and most likely, R!Syaoran would know!!  O_o 

Hey, uhm... I heard like... a pretty long time ago, that CLAMP was planning 21 volumes for Tsubasa. Does that still stand? Because, if I'm not mistaken, that leaves only 5 volumes now. Right?

Well, from one interview that I remember of, CLAMP said that they were planning on making Tsubasa longer than "X" which is going to be a total of 21 volumes.  So, I'm hoping it's more than 21 because that is only going to be the length of "X".

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #56 on: July 27 2006, 06:40 am »
p.s, Becster I like your chobits sig, and that CHI IS HIDEKI, and not fai, because fai is taken ^^;;

Thanks. Capella made it XD It's for our 'Remember Hideki' Campaign. Fighting the good fight against FaiXChi XDD

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But, yeah. If I were in Sakura's postion I would've fainted out of fright...seriously...

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #57 on: July 27 2006, 06:43 am »
I just mentioned that to my friend~ 
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who has no idea whats going on, but nodded kindly while I told her I'd have most likely peed myself or fainted if the guy who'd just stabbed another guy in the leg got all up next to me like that.

I'm all for Chi/Hideki~  Chobits was the first CLAMP manga I finished, I adored it.
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #58 on: July 27 2006, 06:46 am »
heh, colored the last page if anyone cares
should I post it?

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #59 on: July 27 2006, 06:48 am »
heh, colored the last page if anyone cares
should I post it?
OMG I would love to see it!!!!

Thanks. Capella made it XD It's for our 'Remember Hideki' Campaign. Fighting the good fight against FaiXChi XDD

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