AuthorTopic: Chapter 123  (Read 108938 times)

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #200 on: July 31 2006, 10:43 am »
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Well, the problem is not that Syaoran is within his heart, but that Syaoran's heart is out of him, so I don't see how that method could be effective.

Subaru is trying to help Sakura and Syaoran somehow, but I don't have a clue what his plan is.

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Unless he did indeed grow a heart of his own and R!Syaoran is wrong in his assessment.  It could be closed off.  That's an extreme long shot though. ^_^'

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #201 on: July 31 2006, 10:48 am »
That's old Subaru, I'm kinda hoping that TRC-Subaru will be young (like in TB), if he and Kamui are twins tho it'll probably happen. (Same age you know...). I miss Sub-kun ;_; what is it now? 10 chapters he's been held from us?

Kakyou & Hokuto would be such good parents. XD I hope they end up together in a TRC-AU

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #202 on: July 31 2006, 10:49 am »
I have another random thought...I've always wondered what exactly FWR's motives are...and sometimes it crosses my mind that MAYBE he's not the bad guy? You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't. I don't read CLAMP's other manga, except for CCS & Magic Knight Rayearth. I don't really remember how's the end of Rayearth, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?

But then again, maybe CCS was a light manga and TRC might be a darker one (like X?), so maybe there will be some nasty bad guys...after all, there is a lot of blood already...

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #203 on: July 31 2006, 11:08 am »
You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't.
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After what he did to Kuro-mama & Xing Huo? Unlikely.Then again, Zagato wasn't a saint either. Neither was Taishakuten. Maybe FWR has some 'unexpected' reason (in fact I'm counting on it) for doing what he does but I wouldn't say he's a good, misunderstood character.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #204 on: July 31 2006, 11:15 am »
That's old Subaru, I'm kinda hoping that TRC-Subaru will be young (like in TB), if he and Kamui are twins tho it'll probably happen. (Same age you know...). I miss Sub-kun ;_; what is it now? 10 chapters he's been held from us?

Kakyou & Hokuto would be such good parents. XD I hope they end up together in a TRC-AU

Add me to the Hideki pity party. Because Chii's someone just for her is not two people O.o

I'm also thinking Tobabi-style Subaru because of Kamui. I want TRC!Kakyou/Hokuto so badly.

I'll add you right away! Indeed, he is not.

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After what he did to Kuro-mama & Xing Huo? Unlikely.Then again, Zagato wasn't a saint either. Neither was Taishakuten. Maybe FWR has some 'unexpected' reason (in fact I'm counting on it) for doing what he does but I wouldn't say he's a good, misunderstood character.

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Yes, I agree. He'll probably have a reason for what he does. It may not be a good reason, and it may not excuse he actions at all, but it will hopefully make him make more sense as a character (with with Taishaku-ten).
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #205 on: July 31 2006, 11:20 am »
MKR spoiler
, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?
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Emaraude summoned the knights to kill her not save her

I think that, until now, TRC has been lighter. I dont think its Xish at all. Maybe slightly Tokyo Babylon but not X. It's closest to MKR maybe?

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #206 on: July 31 2006, 11:56 am »
I have another random thought...I've always wondered what exactly FWR's motives are...and sometimes it crosses my mind that MAYBE he's not the bad guy? You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't. I don't read CLAMP's other manga, except for CCS & Magic Knight Rayearth. I don't really remember how's the end of Rayearth, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?

But then again, maybe CCS was a light manga and TRC might be a darker one (like X?), so maybe there will be some nasty bad guys...after all, there is a lot of blood already...

True.  Sometimes, I would think that but let's not forget...  FWR killed someone, right?  Also, trapping R!Syaoran in the tube for seven years and creating his clone.  >_>  Even though, I think his dream might be something he considered "good" but to us, it's more dangerous than "good".  Also, he killed his "failed creation" (sadly) for transporting R!Syaoran.

As for FWR's motives...  We know he wants those feathers which ultimately act like some sort of "key" to open up something below those Clow ruins.  FWR's "dream" though is said to be "impossible" by Clow Reed, himself.

So far, CLAMP has already made a twist in their TRC story but expecting another twist would be no surprise for me.  ^_^  Haha..  Very true for many of CLAMP's endings.  MKR, CCS, Clover (?-a little bit, maybe), etc.   Angelic Layer was predictable though so it doesn't really count.   X was a little twisty for me, but, I can't fully judge until the rest of X has been published in tankoubon form.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #207 on: July 31 2006, 12:10 pm »
I'm still hoping for old!Subaru.  It would be weird seeing him and Kamui the same age.  I'm so use to Subaru being like his big bro.  Plus I'm still hoping that Kamui isn't the twin and the twin is Hokuto. *misses her*

As for twists I don't think we've seen the end of them in TRC.  Best twists still goes to RG Veda IMO.  It's like
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*TWIST* Ashura is evil, but okay because there's still Taishakuten who's evil.  *TWIST* Taishakuten isn't evil he just did evil things for Ashura-ou and to keep the God of Destruction from awakening.  *TWIST* Ashura kills himself to save Yasha.  *TWIST* Kujaku sacrifices his own life to awaken Ashura once more. THE END.

I think that, until now, TRC has been lighter. I dont think its Xish at all. Maybe slightly Tokyo Babylon but not X. It's closest to MKR maybe?

It's kinda Xish with arms being ripped off, eyes being lost and swords getting jabbed through body parts but you're right it's still pretty tame compared to X.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #208 on: July 31 2006, 12:57 pm »
As for twists I don't think we've seen the end of them in TRC.  Best twists still goes to RG Veda IMO.  It's like
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*TWIST* Ashura is evil, but okay because there's still Taishakuten who's evil.  *TWIST* Taishakuten isn't evil he just did evil things for Ashura-ou and to keep the God of Destruction from awakening.  *TWIST* Ashura kills himself to save Yasha.  *TWIST* Kujaku sacrifices his own life to awaken Ashura once more. THE END.

It's kinda Xish with arms being ripped off, eyes being lost and swords getting jabbed through body parts but you're right it's still pretty tame compared to X.

Oh god, the RG Veda plot twists. I think they broke Yasha's mind before they even got to the second one. Poor man. (And that's not to mention the rest of the cast.
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Kisshou-ten and Bishamon-ten? Kujaku's past? The old Tentei? Kendappa's loyalties? The cannibalism?
) ...<3.

There should be some kind of scale for measuring darkness v. fluff in CLAMP works. TRC has been edging more towards the dark lately, but it hasn't reached top levels (like X or RG Veda) yet. I'd also say it's at a Rayearth-like level overall, though Rayearth didn't get this gory. TRC's mood isn't really consistent throughout, so it's harder to measure.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #209 on: July 31 2006, 07:11 pm »
so now apparently someone posted a spoiler for chapter 124...
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Its said that it was translated from a japanese blog. Is it  possible to know before Wednesday??? O_O
But if these are true, then the floating theories of the group spliting up is spot on!. :D

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #210 on: July 31 2006, 07:38 pm »
so now apparently someone posted a spoiler for chapter 124...
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Its said that it was translated from a japanese blog. Is it  possible to know before Wednesday??? O_O
But if these are true, then the floating theories of the group spliting up is spot on!. :D
*nearly has a heart attack*
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OMG if that thing between kuro and fai happenes, it may be the canon we need O_O 
OMFG now i REAAAAAAALLLY cant wait for wednesday. :foncused:

and yes, it is possible for spoilers to be leaked out. the thing about the crossover got out.

*dies from spoiler overload*

oh, and heres a cookie for telling ^_^

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betcha we get hit with a cliffhanger after yuuko says that ~_^ tis such a perfect EVIL spot for one, ne?
« Last Edit: July 31 2006, 07:49 pm by SailorYue-chan »
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #211 on: July 31 2006, 07:51 pm »
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*DED* If that does happen, Salior Yue's could be the canon we need!

Clamp wouldn't kill Fai...I don't think. Fai has a serious fanbase, and...hell...if I couldn't have anymore interaction between Kuro and Fai I swear I'll stop reading Tsubasa. If Fai or Kurogane aren't around I see no point in reading Tsubasa any more.

But, Yuuko says there's a way to save him. So...>w< KJHAFIL. If this is the case then...JKHAFIAYUFUGAHFA *SPAZDIE*

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #212 on: July 31 2006, 08:37 pm »
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fai saying something like that means that kuro's never going to let him out of his site. O_O he definalty wont let fai kill himself, even if its for the "greater good"

to borrow one of gaia's smilies cuz CW doesnt have it:
sailoryue =

3 more days O_O
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #213 on: July 31 2006, 08:43 pm »
Some of those spoilers were rather contradictory, but at least we got the gist of it.  Don't know what I think of them though, last weeks early spoilers said that Tokyo Tower collasped, and we all see how that panned out. o_O

Shall wait until Wednesday now, new XXXHOLiC this week as well. ^_^
« Last Edit: July 31 2006, 09:08 pm by nefadol »

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #214 on: July 31 2006, 08:53 pm »
Okay, normally I don't like to be spoilered but here I couldn't resist. (And at least I can think for myself that maybe it isn't correct after all, since chapter 124 will come out this week.)

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WAAAAAAH! Lately, Kurogane says and does so many things that could be taken literally from some fanfiction, doesn't he? *insert fangirlish squee here* Ohmygaaaaawd I hope he does something really great for Fye and then there'll be some nice, angsty and saucy talk between them, just like in 112! *hopes*
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #215 on: July 31 2006, 10:41 pm »
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I don't know about these spoilers...Like someone said, wasn't there one saying that Tokyo Tower would collaspe? And we don't really know the source, other than "a Japanese blog." Why does this person know spoilers anyway? Are they posted by CLAMP somewhere?

But if clone!Syaoran kidnaps Sakura, that's all good. And if Subaru and Kamui go running off between worlds as well, that's also good. The bit with Fai and Kurogane Are they saying that if Fai dies, clone!Syaoran won't have his magic anymore? That doesn't make a bit of sense. Why would Fai die, anyway? From blood loss? Damn it, if he's dying of blood loss, can't they try getting him medical help instead of running to Yuuko? I mean, this world seems technologically advanced enough to have some kind of supplies capable of dealing with stuff like this. Oi. And I demand that Fai cannot die until we get his backstory.
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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #216 on: July 31 2006, 11:15 pm »
*Am going to remain highly sceptical of these 'spoilers'.*

We'll see on Wednesday, won't we.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #217 on: July 31 2006, 11:20 pm »
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hmmm...I'm 50/50 on the realibility of the spoilers-but I have to admit I like the summary. Except...Subaru & Kamui can't leave just yet! What about Fuuma???I refuse to believe thats all we get to see of TRCFuuma! I like him a LOT better than his Xself (who is too batshit crazy for my taste)and he's Kamui's twin star! Also, where the freakin hell is Hokuto *weeps*Don'tleave just yet...
On the other hand, the potential Kurofai is something I'm very much looking forward to. However, since when does eyeloss in Clamp manga=Death?Unless it has to do with Fai's halved magic. I hope they DON'T pull the holic solution. Its shippy sure, but its boring to use it twice (+red and blue eyes really clash).

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #218 on: July 31 2006, 11:31 pm »
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I dunno, I quite like the idea of CLAMP repeating the eye-sharing thing..
Maybe Watanuki could tell them how - that'd go with the HOLiC theory that Yuuko is training Watanuki to take over from her.. x3

Im sceptical too - the whole everyone leaving-ness sounds a bit strange (but that could be the rough translation..) -but usually these spoilers end up being true. They're quite early this time though.. if it was, say, tomorrow you could assume someone had gotten the copy early or someone who worked at a store that stocked them could've sneaked a look at the chapter in one of the magazines.. D: Shame no-one's posted a link to the blog it was posted at..

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #219 on: July 31 2006, 11:35 pm »
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Maybe Fai in insinuating that he needs to kill himself, not that he's actually dying. And regardless of whether or not I'm putting any faith in the spoilers, I don't think Clamp will kill Fai before Ashura wakes up. We've had all this buildup to their relationship, and so a confrontation with Ashura is inevitable. We also needs Fai's past to be revealed. It would be rather anti-climactic if Fai were dead for all this, and Clamp understands the conventions of good storytelling. So, like I said in the chapter 120 thread *misses that thread to death* I don't believe Fai will be dying yet.

And was Kuro talking about saving FAI in that "spoiler"? Or Syaoran? *feels like such a wet blanket*
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