AuthorTopic: Chapter 123  (Read 108934 times)

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Offline Sailor Yue-chan

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #280 on: August 02 2006, 08:16 am »
If Fai dies then that's it. I stop reading Tsubasa.

I don't care about Syaoran and Sakura anymore. I just read Tsubasa for Kurogane and Fai, their interactions, and the 'will they, won't they?' factor of their relationship. And for Fai's past, of course.

If Fai dies, or if Kuro dies at any point, Tsubasa is dead to me from there onwards,
I agree. I don't think Kuro-tan would let him die - especially like this.

And yeah, if Fai or Kuro die before the end I'd be reluctant to continue reading (though I probably would anyway x3 )
i too would ve quite reluctant. it  would be jsut like Harry Potter
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when sirius died, and when dumbledore SUPOSEDLY died
i would be very sad, i may even cry, but i might read on to see if kuro exacts his revenge ~_^
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #281 on: August 02 2006, 08:53 am »
Hmm, the X TV series wasn't worth watching for me after
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Seishirou died, but that was mainly because they removed the whole 'eye' thing and I couldn't stand that not being part of the canon
and I can't watch the X movie because of my fav characters being removed in the first 5 minutes!

Harry Potter was dying for me when
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Sirius died
but what REALLY killed Harry Potter for me was the entire 6th book and the general crappy amateur fanfictioness of it
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especially the pairings and how she wrote them-I COULD have liked Harry/Ginny if she had written them with any skill instead of writing them like a 12 year old fangirl and Remus/Tonks was doomed from the start because Tonks is such a JK Rowling Mary Sue (I swear Tonks is JK Rowlings Self-Insertion Character).  Don't get me started on Ron/Hermione because that's creeped me out from the start for no particular reason other than I am exactly like Hermione in personality and Ron is the sort of person I want to smack round the back of the head.

Sorry for the OT rant, but I need something to tide me over until chapter 124, ne?

Offline mela

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #282 on: August 02 2006, 08:57 am »
i too would ve quite reluctant. it would be jsut like Harry Potter
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when sirius died, and when dumbledore SUPOSEDLY died
i would be very sad, i may even cry, but i might read on to see if kuro exacts his revenge ~_^

I don't particularly like Harry Potter, but that is what I was reminded of as well. I hate it when authors kill fan-favorite characters. It also reminded me of Death Note when
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L died
, after that I could hardly stand to read the series.

Offline xOLight_AngelOx

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #283 on: August 02 2006, 11:05 am »
ARG!!!!!! how much longer to ch 124.......... :cry: :cry:

Offline nefadol

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #284 on: August 02 2006, 11:20 am »
About 15 or 16 hours, depending on when ladydarkmoon has the time to scan it. ;)

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #285 on: August 02 2006, 11:21 am »

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #286 on: August 02 2006, 11:53 am »
Greetings to all as I've ventured off to the Japanese Tsubasa BBS just to check it out.  Apparently, someone just posted a new thread titled "Chapitre 124".   I've decided to post the whole thing since, from what I've read, is somewhat close to the "rumored" spoilers that are spreading across the net.  I'm not too sure if this person actually bought the magazine but it looks like it.    The "dimension" part of it sounds interesting.

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First of all, small Oocamikimi : ・・・ Have you gone to another world?。
"Go" in the cherry princess : though can ..hand.. hang on and reacted a
little ・・・ It ..(.. ..cry.. ..magic large.. passes about Mr. Fai. It is to
power to extend in the dimension. ?Small Oocamikimi.

Naga awoke. It is . repeatedly at saying of Camiod, "Let's go to another world" of "Wait". Still, will it be key person?

Because magic keeps being even the half passed to small Oocamikimi greatly effective in Fai when I am alive. It says and . of. Real Fai must drawn if it is not amusing even if it dies and already「Fai?!!」..the shout and rolling up..(At home. )

A black aspect is ww that doesn't change and is good-looking.
"Is there a method of helping this fellow?" hears and is in Co.
Surely, black externals might start helping Fai in any manner.

Edit: And if you want to know who is Naga and who is Camiod.  Click here.>>
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Naga- Subaru
Camiod- Kamui.   

Offline duchessa

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #287 on: August 02 2006, 12:30 pm »
Greetings to all as I've ventured off to the Japanese Tsubasa BBS just to check it out.  Apparently, someone just posted a new thread titled "Chapitre 124".   I've decided to post the whole thing since, from what I've read, is somewhat close to the "rumored" spoilers that are spreading across the net.  I'm not too sure if this person actually bought the magazine but it looks like it.    The "dimension" part of it sounds interesting.

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First of all, small Oocamikimi : ・・・ Have you gone to another world?。
"Go" in the cherry princess : though can ..hand.. hang on and reacted a
little ・・・ It ..(.. ..cry.. ..magic large.. passes about Mr. Fai. It is to
power to extend in the dimension. ?Small Oocamikimi.

Naga awoke. It is . repeatedly at saying of Camiod, "Let's go to another world" of "Wait". Still, will it be key person?

Because magic keeps being even the half passed to small Oocamikimi greatly effective in Fai when I am alive. It says and . of. Real Fai must drawn if it is not amusing even if it dies and already「Fai?!!」..the shout and rolling up..(At home. )

A black aspect is ww that doesn't change and is good-looking.
"Is there a method of helping this fellow?" hears and is in Co.
Surely, black externals might start helping Fai in any manner.

Edit: And if you want to know who is Naga and who is Camiod.  Click here.>>Spoiler
Naga- Subaru
Camiod- Kamui.

I don't quite get it, but it does sound similar.
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At least it looks like Kamui & Subaru will be hanging out for a little while longer. And I've been wondering, if the feather (or Subaru) was the thing/person thats keeping the water pure, is there another with Fuuma's group??? And Fai screentime- *squee*

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #288 on: August 02 2006, 01:33 pm »
Naga....? You plugged it into a translator right? Why on earth is
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Subaru Naga? Subaru means Pleadies or the seven sisters........ NAGA!?
Spoilerful fun over at
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Subaru awake! yay! Wonder what happened to R!Syaoran, think hes still just lying there bleeding, a lot like Fai. Who says if he doesnt die C!Syao will still have his magic and be unstopable. Get ready KuroxFai fans, Kurogane wants to know the price for saving Fai.
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Offline tg

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #289 on: August 02 2006, 01:40 pm »
Naga....? You plugged it into a translator right? Why on earth is
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Subaru Naga? Subaru means Pleadies or the seven sisters........ NAGA!?

Yep.  Subaru is Naga.  ^_^ Haha...  I know.  It's a very weird translator that I plugged it in.  It doesn't even put Kamui's name right but ah well.   I can easily tell because it says
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Naga awoke
 so who else could be sleeping at that time?   Sakura doesn't count since she just fell asleep (again) but seeing her wake up in the next chapter would be funny.    :haha:

Offline duchessa

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #290 on: August 02 2006, 01:52 pm »
can anybody post the link to the japanese blog? I want to have a go reading it.
« Last Edit: August 02 2006, 02:13 pm by duchessa »

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #291 on: August 02 2006, 04:24 pm »
Here in Mexico it's wensday!! but I have to wait pass noon to have the scans xD

About Harry Potter...
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For me Sirius is still alive, join the "Sirius is not death!!" club XD
People: What about Dumbledore?
SiNd Club: Who cares about him? he's lika a cockroach, he'l return -_-;
People: o.oU...

Oh! come on! I want Tsubasa ;_;

Offline Touei

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #292 on: August 02 2006, 05:20 pm »
can anybody post the link to the japanese blog? I want to have a go reading it.
I dont think anyone's found the blog yet.. tg posted a link to the japanese forums on page 12 though (here's the ch124 thread)

D: I think I might explode in the ten hours-or-so we've got left to wait .__.

Offline duchessa

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #293 on: August 02 2006, 05:56 pm »
dont think anyone's found the blog yet.. tg posted a link to the japanese forums on page 12 though (here's the ch124 thread)

Thank you!
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It seems that Syaoran used some more of Fai's magic? (cause there are comments that  Fai's magic is very big?  Flashy? Can't figure out who (subaru or Kamui) wants to stay. Otherwise it looks that Fai does get all angsty and suicidal like the spoiler says and Kurogane gets to be cool. If they had read the chapter,  that means the spoiler is correct. Again, I  have to wonder-how did they find out??? Oh well. Subaru~ Fai~
I think I might explode too.  :cry:

Offline Touei

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #294 on: August 02 2006, 06:04 pm »

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Again, I  have to wonder-how did they find out???
You mean how did these people find out - or how did whoever posted the spoilers before find out?
Cause, the chapter's out in Japan now, so I'm guessing they all went out and bought the magazine xD
But as for the person who posted this on their blog on Monday, I have no idea either..

*doodles some KuroFai while waiting* Nine houurs~

edit: I love Harry Potter,
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but maybe that's because the main reason I read them (other than to actually find out what happens in the main Harry vs. Voldy story) was for the Ron/Hermione shipping. So obviously I really liked HBP XD *still has her Ron<3Hermione banner from the midnight release* And.. Sirius and DD's deaths didnt bother me. I thought it was necessary - to move the story along, and so Harry didnt have any adults protecting him/doing the fighting for him in the end. As the main character he needed to be 'alone'.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #295 on: August 02 2006, 06:04 pm »
*is getting twitchy!*  Waiting was never for me but I'll try to hang on ;)!
Why does it have to be a work day for me today for that will only make the wait harder to bear :tongue:

For me too Harry Potter got not worth the effort to read after
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Sirius died (oh, and I am afraid that he is dead; basically the books are about acceptance of death - Voldy's inability to do that should be his downfall)
- that way the only character that did not annoy me was taken away and all that was left was more of boring Harry (can't stand him).
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"It's all fun and games till somebody gets an eye put out." ~ A friend's uncle's saying that strangely enough describes every book I have read lately with the expansion of maiming of all other sorts.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #296 on: August 02 2006, 06:57 pm »
i still thin, that watenuki was collecting that water in xxxholic for a specific reason. is 13 a magical number? thats how many pots in all he and doumeki collected.
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #297 on: August 02 2006, 07:23 pm »
or how did whoever posted the spoilers before find out?
yes, that. *sigh* How many hours to go?

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #298 on: August 02 2006, 07:31 pm »
I don't know, Duchessa, but I also can't wait *twitch*

So maybe I'll go doing my paper round now, so I'll have another 3 hours down *sigh*

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Re: Chapter 123
« Reply #299 on: August 02 2006, 07:35 pm »
[quoteis ]13 a magical number
Not really. It's unlucky in western culture but in Eastern 4 and 8 (sometimes 6) are signifigant like 7 and 13 in western.

....Must get up early to download......  >.< ahhh! I cant! 9 to 5 classes. On the bright side anime club @ lunch time yay! WIll download while getting lecture notes :P.