Anything interesting in the RAW?
the first thing i saw was Teana sleeping and Subaru was on top of her and groping her breasts O.O
Teana woke up and got mad and punished her X3
Little Reinforce going naked! O.O
talk about fanservice!
Elio and Carol go to the city and talk about....stuff X3
Big one! Flashback of Carol and Fate and ARF IS IN IT!!!!!
Lutecia and Ginga are back and some girl dragging chains and blocks through the sewers o.O
Elio and Carol find her coming out of the sewers and she collapses.
quite an interesting episode, too bad the subs will come in 6 weeks or so at this rate >.<
preview shows Hayate will join the fighting in episode 11 YAY!!!

^ she reminds me of Arisa O.O