So.. What happened? O_O Does Yuuno get more airtime? :DDD
Teana woke up in the hospital and there was an alert so everybody assembled. Teana started shouting at Nanoha, Vita got mad at this but Nanoha stopped Vita. Signum decided it was enough and punched Tea in the face O.O
they decide to show to the new ones what happened in season 1 and 2 (i guess it's for the people who haven't watched season 1/2)
in the meanwhile Nanoha, Fate and Vita take on the attackers above the sea
hmm, i can't understand what Shamal is saying so i don't know what happened to Nanoha in the Bloody scene but you can see she was as good as dead when Vita found her and you can see her trying to recover (not being able to walk and stuff)
in the meanwhile Vita is doing her Rocket Hammer again. Man! that attack is even cooler then in A's! some really nice animation here
Tea and Nanoha talk with eachother (i guess things are back to normal now). I lol'ed at seeing the rest spying on them behind the bushes XD
Nanoha thinks she is ready for it and releases one of Cross Mirage's limiters making Tea the first to reach level 2

Before the preview there's a commercial for Soundstage 2 *happy dance*
the preview shows that everybody is gonna take a vacation
- Tea and Subaru driving a motor
- Carol looking cuter then ever
- ice cream eating
I smell possibilities for ElioXCarol scenes ^_^
i always thought Subaru was the most important one of the 4 but Teana got 3 eps of development while Subaru only had episode 1 o.O