CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel

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Animation was good, and what was changed/left out, made me sad,  BeeTrain must die,
but over all, I liked it, I can't wait for next weeks epi, Fai looks so hot, so was Kuro's daddy, hehehe

I hope, in the end, when TRC Is over, and the Anime as well, I hope they make an OVA, for both TRC and XXXHolic, because saddly both Animes are lacking in what the manga has, the real story, and no 20 second pause and horrid animation, pluse the blood will not be left out if its an OVA, what was CLAMP thinking when they gave TRC to Beetrain, I have no clue, mad house, or GONZO would have been better......done with ranting

Ep17: "The fifth basement"
maybe it's the end of the 14th volume?

Sailor Yue-chan:
the ep wasnt all too bad. needs imporvement, but they kept in more than i thought they would.

you know how beetrain loves to exclude most of th ekurofai momnts? when they get to tokyo, i hop e to god they put in ch 112, IN ITS ENTIRETY!!! if tehey dont, then ill stop watching the anime. thats MJOR character develop[ment of fai.

Show content This wasnt as bad as it could have been - I actually cried at the bit where Kuro's mother died. But, after that, it went down hill a bit for me.. what with the glowing-pink-binds-of-happy-luff-yay! and all..

And how the friff did Kuro's mother manage to not not bleed, like.. at all, after being stabbed with a fricking huge sword straight through her middle? Bee-train.. D:

I'm dreading Tokyo now.

Sailor Yue-chan:
the ep could have been worse, but SHOULD have been better ^^


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