CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
--- Quote from: Becster on July 30 2006, 09:35 pm ---Show content I can see it now...
Fai: Oh snap and darn, Syaoran. You tore out my eye.
Kurogane: That really wasn't very fair y'know Kid. but, who cares, because now I get to hold Fai for the next 3+ chapters.
Clone!Syaoran: Terribly sorry, but I need this eye in order to continue gathering feathers.
Sakura: *sob* I am quite worried.
Kamui: ...*files nails*
Oh SUPER-DUPER. I just can't wait until they get to animating chapters 119+!! [/sarcasm]
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LOL. exactly.
Show content Maybe we'll see Kamui slash out but the screen goes black so the little kids can't see it. but we adults know whats happened.... >___<
My Japanese teacher said she used to watch loads of violent anime as a kid, even those that were for children got quite violent! why is bee train being such a spoil sport?
I just watched it... surprisingly, I liked it. I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be...
Show contentI started to tear up as the scene of Kuro's mother's death approached and then started to cry when she died :sad5: I'm so emotional...
I was actually happy with this episode's animation. It was better compared to others. Kuro's mother sure looked pretty and Kuro's father looked very cool. And the famous Syaoran crying scene... I thought that was done well. They didn't skip the fact that Fai tried to pull the book first and didn't work but Kuro could pull it.
I was annoyed by the missing beginning... I wish they had added that and divided this episode into two. I think that would have worked out much better.
I wonder if next week's episode will have C!Syaoran showing his real self... I hope they make it as creepy as it was in the manga... I remember being really creeped out by that Syaoran o.O
--- Quote from: Meowzy on July 30 2006, 08:42 am ---...
Show content Uhm... Okay... Confusion galore! They immediately started with the damn book! And Syaoran wasn't shown once during ANY of the flashbacks! You see him for like... 30 seconds at the end. No indication to how he got the book, or how it works. >__>
The first 8 minutes are filled with flashbacks that, as far as I can remember, were NOT in the manga. Something about Kurogane catching fish, and a seemingly boring conversation between mommy and daddy. On the plus side... Kurogane in a bathtub! Naked! =P
Still, they could've cut a bit (like 5 minutes) of that useless beginning, to do a decent Lecourt intro. >_>
The violence was toned down horribly. I squeed at the blood on Fei Wang's sword, but then I saw that Kurogane's mommy wasn't bleeding at all, and felt my heart sink again.
I squeed at the arm of Kurogane's daddy. Then it fell and shattered into stoney pieces. I felt my heart sink again.
Kurogane was going on a slight murderous rampage, clutching his mommy's body .Okay, fair. Tomoyo binds him to the pillar by using a couple of rings who wrap themselves around Kuro-chan. ... WTF? What happened to Kurogane's scar?! DAMN YOU, BEETRAIN!
The music was good though. Chibi Kurogane made me squeal, and Kuro's daddy is HAWT!
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At least the episode wasn't that bad. Hehehehe, I thought that it could be worse. Still, it seems as if BeeTrain is scared of blood. Kuorgane's mother didn't bleed, that's kinda stupid, after all a sword passed through her for god's sake! *sigh* I wonder what will they do with the Tokyo arc?, I mean there is so much blood!
I still haven't watched the episode, it's still on 20%...ARGH!! ButI watched some pics andthe animationlooks great! *squeel*
I finished already downloading it! Thisepisode was very beautiful, I loved it! The emotions that the characters portrade were very nicely done. I was even crying when Kurogane was too emotional that scene...I mean he Show content loses his whole family in seconds . :cry:
Oh my gawd, I'm already afraid of watching this... But at least it seems that Kuro's dad is as hot as he was in the manga :D
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