CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel

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Although I dislike Season 2 of the anime Bee Train really isn't a bad company.

They did one of my favourite animes which is a lot better than the manga version and the game both (manga and anime) are based off of. I mean Bee Train really pushes the boundaries of shounen-ai, not shounen-ai with Meine Liebe since the subtext is 100x more than any thing I've ever seen for a non shounen-ai series.  In fact before season 2 aired there it was reported that Bee Train was seriously considering making it into a full blown shounen-ai series but they chickened out at the last minute and instead just doubled the subtext.  Which is especially interesting since the manga is het and the original game is a het dating game.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: meliwan on August 06 2006, 03:46 am ---Raw for EPISODE 15 up:

--- End quote ---
awsome! thanks.

Please tell me they included the syao dream?

Sailor Yue-chan:
fai comercial bump....recent manga chapters....those beutiful blue eyes :cry:

episode 41 raw added

does anyone know what the name of this ep is, since i can't watch it

Sailor Yue-chan:
"i think its "Liibrary of Secrets"...

the fai splash page makes me feel sad cuz of the manga  :cry:

as for the ep, looks like htye skiped the chit chat about the symbol, but it looks like it will be in the  ext ep.
Show content are they making a whole episode about a tuor of clow world, INCLUDING syaoran's house!? O_o

again they skipped the syao nightmare. they ruind it for the nion-manga readers by not including the nightmare  :shifty:

Show content cuz now how will they explain when syao loses it? arent we suposed to be fooled into thinking that the other syao is controlling him?-

loved the new music! instrumental dreamscape and that new -non-lanugae song when the Puppies were fighting the sentinals.

cant forget the Fai whistle!! ^_^ and also the kurofai ness!!!! hats off to beetrain for keeping that LOOK.

one last it just me or is fai holding on to that bowler for dear life?   :wink:


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