CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel

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Yugioh! is out with their sub. Torrent here.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Jeannette on August 28 2006, 02:20 pm ---Yugioh! is out with their sub. Torrent here.

--- End quote ---

that should mean that ep 41 is comming soon? (i hope)

anou...eiher ts taking a long time to connect, or there arent that many seeds (100%) im only seeing peers :-/

It took a little bit more to download, but I finally have it ^^

And now that I'm watching it... (tiny minor detail, but anyway)

Show contentWTF, Haganemaru? O_o I was really confused to see his mother address him with that name, until I found that it was his "childhood name" in the official site for the anime. I took a quick look at the manga and I can't find him called anything other than waka, waka-sama or waka-gimi, so I'm assuming this is a new change by NHK/BeeTrain (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not familiar with these naming issues in Japan and don't know how this actually works, and if it's usual in the present or has been in the past ^^u Also, the line where I got that information confuses me even more... did they even gave him a surname?: 太郎鋼丸(黒鋼の幼名)は、父母に守られ、健やかに暮らしていた。

Okay, this episode is cementing my hatred for the anime.  The filler episodes don't count because they were awful without ruining the manga (except for the part where everyone has their original outfits when they should have lost them in Shurano/Sharano).  THIS episode, however, is ruining manga storylines as well as RUINING CHARACTERISIATION!

Show contentOkay, first of all, great story telling, Beetrain.  Just dump us in a backstory without any explaination other than 'Syaoran found a book in a Library'.  How about telling us what world they're in, where the library is, what they're DOING in a library, hell, even if everyone is THERE!

Second...WHAT DID THEY DO TO KURO-CHICHIUE!!!!!!!  Kuro-chichiue was kind and light hearted (despite how seriously he took his role of protecting Suwa) and sweet in the manga!  When did he become gruff, rough and MEAN!  They have just STOMPED on his characterisation!  The artwork for him is pretty good, no real complaint there, but I would rather the artwork look like crap and the characters actually be correct.

Okay, yeah, Chibi-Kuro is the most adorable thing EVER but how can I enjoy Chibi-Kuro when I'm weeping for Kuro-Chichiue!

Kuro-Chichue's voice is WAY to deep.  It doesn't fit his character.  Although I suppose it fits the whacked out Beetrain version.  Evil Beetchrain.

Um, Beetrain?  I don't think Syaoran would have been watching Chibi-Kuro and Kuro-Hahaue in the bathtub.  I think he would have flipped a few pages ahead if he started to see that.  Syaoran is too shy to spy on people bathing.  Of course, since you haven't exactly shown us that Syaoran is CAUSING this backstory and haven't shown him standing nearby with the BOOK...

Side note:  Teen-Kuro=Hotter than Syaoran.

GASP!  BLOOD!  Kuro-chichiue has BLOOD on his face!  Hurry, a small fluffy bunny somewhere is going to faint from the sight of it.  Beetrain how COULD you frighten the little bunny like that!  You should be keeping ALL traces of blood from the anime to prevent such a thing!

Okay, they really didn't animate the intimacy between Kuro-chichiue and Kuro-hahaue very well.  In fact, the whole family feeling just isn't there like it was in the manga.

I actually like Teen-Kuro's voice.  14/15 year olds don't always have fully broken voices and I find it rather sweet and fitting with pre-truamatised Kuro that he still has a rather high voice.

Kuro-hahaue's death scene?  Best scene Beetrain have done so far to date.  No sarcasm.  That is a genuine compliment!  ::shock horror::  (Although the fact that they allowed the sword to be covered in blood but didn't allow any blood on the floor/on Kuro-hahaue is a bit weird).  Kuro's final 'Hahaue' scream with the breaking/croaking voice and genuine pain plus the realistic sobs...kudos to the voice actress!  I might have to semi-worship her whenever I hear Teen-Kuro's voice.

Not, however, impressed with the monster turning things to stone.  But that doesn't really affect things too much so I'll let it slide.

OMG Teen-Kuro's voice actress really DOES knows how to CRY!  Listen to her go AGAIN after Tomoyo-tachi show up!  And she makes it sound both good AND realistic!  It doesn't even sound cheesy or, as some American voice actresses make it sound, embarrasing!

And, because Beetrain didn't start this world properly, you get a WTFugle? feeling at the end of it when we see everyone in the library.  And Syaoran crying WAS embarrasing.  ::sigh::

So, in summary, Kuro-chichiue is hot, but his characterisation is crap.  Chibi-Kuro is Kawaii.  Teen-Kuro is hot too, and his voice actress rocks.  Hard.  Kuro-hahaue has the best death scene ever.  Teen-Kuro crys fantastically whilst Teen-Syaoran does not.  And Beetrain, despite impressing me with the Kuro-hahaue death scene, has $h*& on this episode.

Nough said!


sub added

it was a nice ep, nothing more i can say about it


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