CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on August 29 2006, 05:53 pm ---the thing with the pink rings: it still makes the scene look too froofy. it coulda ben done better, even WITHOUT having to slice thru kuro's hand.
as for the name "Haganemaru" 'maru' means lord[ i think...everyone in inuyasha that had "maru" at the end of their names was some lord or ruler of some sort], and hagane means steel...sooooo basicaly she was calling her son "Lord of Steel/Steel Lord' ? O.o
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BTW... "maru" mean circle or ball. Its just a way to make a name sounds like "ancient". It has nothing to do with lord or ruler. A ruler/lord is often address with the word "sama" in the end of his name ex.. kurogane-sama
Sailor Yue-chan:
oh, my bad.. >_<
Actually, maru IS used as a name suffix for young lords. Sesshoumaru is an example of this. Although it's literal meaning is 'circle, ball' or 'round' (depending on the kanji) it is also used as said suffix.
And for the person who asked earlier, there ARE different ways to refer to your parents.
Otou-sama/Otou-san/Otou-chan is the normal way to call your own father (from most respectful to most familiar). Oka-sama/Oka-san/Oka-chan is the equivilant for mother.
The actual word for father is Chichi and the actual word for mother is Haha. That is what you would say if you weren't actually speaking to them.
For example, when speaking to your father you would call him Otou-san but when saying something about your father to someone else you would refer to him as Chichi.
Chichiue and Hahaue are what Kurogane calls his parents. It is an old, formal and now slightly archaic way of refering to your father and mother. It isn't really used in Japan any more (my Japanese teacher said it was very archaic but I don't know if that's entirely true or not, it may still be used by older families in some parts of Japan).
There are also similar names for (older) brothers and sisters. The normal names for brothers and sisters are onii-sama/onii-san/onii-chan and onee-sama/onee-san/onee-chan. The actual word for brother is ani and the actual word for sister is ane. The archaic versions of brother and sister are Aniki and Aneue. Again, these aren't really used any more.
Wow, Selenityshiroi, I'm going to give you a cookie for that little lesson. I've been wondering about "Aniki" and stuff for a while. To your knowledge, is "Aniue" a word? Or someone messing up the translation?
Zettai daijoubu:
thanks selenityshiroi for that littel japan lesson!! wouldn't onee-chan and onii-chan (since the -ii sound is the same as the -ee sound) sound the same >.< or is there some kind of special pronounication?
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