AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel  (Read 51382 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #60 on: August 01 2006, 01:41 am »
As someone who basically flames the hell out of BeeTrain, I thought this episode was pretty good in terms of adaptation and quality.  I say that honestly, too. It was actually... enjoyable, even with the changes BeeTrain made. Whoever directed this episode was actually smart. The animation was good too. So good job, for once, BeeTrain.

I have bad stuff to say about it too. For example,
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the episode pretty much opens with Kurogane's past, and then at the end everyone is already at the library, if someone who hadn't read the manga had been watching, they'd be like "WTF? When did they get there?"

 But seriously, I didn't really mind the changes they made because I felt that even though the episode was a bit rushed, it was still an alright adaptation of the manga. I wish they could do more of their episodes like that, instead of the horrific job they have been doing this second season (the first season had its problems, but it is still better). They didn't screw up royally and I am really glad about that because the arc with Kurogane's past is really one that changes your view of the character in such a vast way, it's one of my favorite parts of the manga because it makes the character a lot more three dimensional (even though he's 2d, har har). You kinda go back and think about his actions and stuff while you have read the manga and you're like "Oh, so that's why etc blah blah blah..."

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They cut out the part with Kurogane and Tomoyo at the end of that arc, which is completely unexpected because I thought anything that might thow in some "het vibes" even though they're little kids, would be completely BeeTrain approved. KuroTomo fans must be mad XD Now they know how we (K/F fans) feel, ohohoho.

All in all, it could have been better, but knowing BeeTrain it could have been a heck of a lot worse.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #61 on: August 01 2006, 03:04 am »
I'd like to say that I thought Bee-train's adaption of the Shara/Shura arc was perfectly good, though the animation was occasionally...ick, and there are  issues like removing the alcohol and most of the blood that go on throughout the whole series. The first season arcs were adapted well, also (though I object to throwing Sorata and Arashi into Koryo). So I don't really have anything against Bee-train, other than the majority of their fillers (episode 16 wasn't that bad), their lack-luster animation, their apparent hemophobia, which I think could become a problem later on (the Tokyo arc), and moving through the manga storyline at a pace which really is inconvient when it comes to staying behind CLAMP. Also cutting out the Country of Idols because I don't understand why they would do that when they just had to use fillers anyway. Okay, maybe I do have a little against Bee-train. But not too much.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #62 on: August 01 2006, 03:05 am »
I completely agree with you, Kuromori ^^ Sometimes, as a devoted fan of the manga, I almost want to cry when I watch the anime (and I even sub it for my spanish fansub group, so I'm kind of "forced" to watch every episode three of four times, sometimes even more... and that's like seeing every bad character design/animation/whatever through a magnifying glass). But after all, an animated series is a completely different media, so it's obvious that it won't be a exact copy of the manga we all love.

And I don't like to blame BeeTrain for, basically, changing the target audience of the series (because most of the changes we're seeing it's because of that: not understanding that Tsubasa is not aimed at the same public than, say, Card Captor Sakura). BeeTrain made great animes of excellent quality in the past that I truly enjoyed watching, with deeply complex and philosophical stories with profound metaphors and sometimes with mature themes and scenes (not a lot of those, but anyway... ^^u) such as .hack//SIGN, .hack//Roots, Noir, Avenger, Arc The Lad...

I think the one to blame is NHK, which also broadcasted Card Captor Sakura (and if I'm not mistaken, they started doing it again when Tsubasa started being aired) and whom, I think, bought Tsubasa as a kind of "CCS 2nd Part", then making that error on the target audience. Of course, BeeTrain has its share of fault, because the low quality of the animation in some episodes has nothing to do with NHK. But the lack of blood and homosexual relationships, those pointless fillers in which sometimes they mess up the original story, the modification of Sakura's personality transforming her into a typical and boring "damsel in distress", and sometimes forcing SakuraxSyaoran moments that aren't in the manga (I shouldn't complain about that, since I'm a SxS fan too, but... ^^u)... had led me to believe that they want to sell this as a marketing product, a CCS revival, a low quality anime that, no matter how cheap it is, will help them sell a lot of merchandise. And they're indicating BeeTrain that this is what they want, so this is what they should make and produce for them.

Despite all that, if I were a member of CLAMP, I wouldn't have chosen BeeTrain for Tsubasa. Much as I like them, Tsubasa's story it's not their style AT ALL. I would have chosen MADHOUSE or even Pierrot instead.

Finally, I don't know if everybody knows this (sorry if you do already ^^u), but BeeTrain is a subsidiary of Production I.G. While IG usually does movies, OVAs and short animations, such as openings and endings for videogames (they've done quite a few series too, but usually they only collaborate partially, they're fully in charge of everything only when there's a lot of money involved XD), BeeTrain is usually in charge of cheaper *cough* TV series.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #63 on: August 01 2006, 03:22 am »
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They cut out the part with Kurogane and Tomoyo at the end of that arc, which is completely unexpected because I thought anything that might thow in some "het vibes" even though they're little kids, would be completely BeeTrain approved. KuroTomo fans must be mad XD Now they know how we (K/F fans) feel, ohohoho.

Ohohohohohoh!  >D
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It is kinda stupid though, because now people won't know that Kurogane's Ginryuu was actually a copy, and that the original Ginryuu was buried with Kurogane's mommy.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #64 on: August 01 2006, 03:39 am »
Ohohohohohoh! >D
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It is kinda stupid though, because now people won't know that Kurogane's Ginryuu was actually a copy, and that the original Ginryuu was buried with Kurogane's mommy.

it really is. That's a crucial bit of information, I think. It just seems weird that they'd cut out such a big piece of the story like that, but then again, we should be used to it considering what they've done with other arcs...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #65 on: August 02 2006, 05:44 am »

Screw you.

Crap, so crap. The episode was crappity crap crap. The animation, I swear is getting worse, although I don't know how that was possible. But there you go.

Why are they doing this? They'll end up with like 50 stupid filler episodes because they've rushed everything. Ugh! *is disgusted*

But yes, naked Kuorgane! He was very effing cute though. And the voice actor for him was amazing. But it was just so rushed, I would've loved to have seen a little more emotion between mum and dad there. The hair thing could've been much sweeter. BUT THE ANIMATION I S JUST SO BAD! I can't take it anymore.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #66 on: August 02 2006, 09:34 am »
Oh yes, that's the main thing i didn't like here. I think it's much less emotional than the manga it could have been. In the manga Kuro's daddy seemed to me much more loving and carring, and there were moments that showed he wasn't ALWAYS a perfect warrior. And his relationship with his wife looks more like respect, not love.
And finally it didn't even make me want to cry by the end! I might be too fastidious, but while these manga chapters plunge me into (nearly)hysterics, the ep only causes a little lump in throat feeling -_-
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #67 on: August 04 2006, 04:35 pm »
eps posted on ann:

   42. The Other Side of Nostalgia [望郷のカナタ]  {Boukyo no Kanata}
   43. The Five Eyes of Tchicai  [五つ目のチカイ]  {Ittsume no Chikai}

am i missing something? the way ann listed ep 43, it makes it sound completly plausable that its a filler, unless the person who posted it isnt  good at translating?

god PLEASE dont let it be a filler. a filler would 100% destroy the plot -_-
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #68 on: August 05 2006, 04:55 am »
I'm deathly afraid of a filler outlining Fai's past, as they weren't afraid to show an unsubstantiated chibi-fai in the credits...But yeah, I think they're gonna be filling till the end of the season...They must already have those eps produced, and if they can cut Rekordo to 2 eps, then surely they can cut Tokyo to 3 or 4. 
I really liked this ep.  True, the beginning of them arriving in Rekordo would have been handy, but no biggy.  I think the animation was 200% better than recent eps.  I cried.  My one complaint is of comparison: the idiocy in shoving all that into 1 ep when the trucker filler got 2...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #70 on: August 06 2006, 05:43 am »
Although I dislike Season 2 of the anime Bee Train really isn't a bad company.

They did one of my favourite animes which is a lot better than the manga version and the game both (manga and anime) are based off of. I mean Bee Train really pushes the boundaries of shounen-ai, not shounen-ai with Meine Liebe since the subtext is 100x more than any thing I've ever seen for a non shounen-ai series.  In fact before season 2 aired there it was reported that Bee Train was seriously considering making it into a full blown shounen-ai series but they chickened out at the last minute and instead just doubled the subtext.  Which is especially interesting since the manga is het and the original game is a het dating game.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #72 on: August 06 2006, 03:20 pm »
fai comercial bump....recent manga chapters....those beutiful blue eyes :cry:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #73 on: August 06 2006, 03:22 pm »
episode 41 raw added

does anyone know what the name of this ep is, since i can't watch it
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #74 on: August 06 2006, 03:26 pm »
"i think its "Liibrary of Secrets"...

the fai splash page makes me feel sad cuz of the manga  :cry:

as for the ep, looks like htye skiped the chit chat about the symbol, but it looks like it will be in the  ext ep.
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are they making a whole episode about a tuor of clow world, INCLUDING syaoran's house!? O_o

again they skipped the syao nightmare. they ruind it for the nion-manga readers by not including the nightmare  :shifty:

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cuz now how will they explain when syao loses it? arent we suposed to be fooled into thinking that the other syao is controlling him?

loved the new music! instrumental dreamscape and that new -non-lanugae song when the Puppies were fighting the sentinals.

cant forget the Fai whistle!! ^_^ and also the kurofai ness!!!! hats off to beetrain for keeping that LOOK.

one last it just me or is fai holding on to that bowler for dear life?   :wink:
« Last Edit: August 06 2006, 04:11 pm by SailorYue-chan »
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #75 on: August 28 2006, 02:20 pm »
Yugioh! is out with their sub. Torrent here.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #76 on: August 28 2006, 02:28 pm »
Yugioh! is out with their sub. Torrent here.

that should mean that ep 41 is comming soon? (i hope)

anou...eiher ts taking a long time to connect, or there arent that many seeds (100%) im only seeing peers :-/
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #77 on: August 29 2006, 02:41 am »
It took a little bit more to download, but I finally have it ^^

And now that I'm watching it... (tiny minor detail, but anyway)

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WTF, Haganemaru? O_o I was really confused to see his mother address him with that name, until I found that it was his "childhood name" in the official site for the anime. I took a quick look at the manga and I can't find him called anything other than waka, waka-sama or waka-gimi, so I'm assuming this is a new change by NHK/BeeTrain (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not familiar with these naming issues in Japan and don't know how this actually works, and if it's usual in the present or has been in the past ^^u Also, the line where I got that information confuses me even more... did they even gave him a surname?: 太郎鋼丸(黒鋼の幼名)は、父母に守られ、健やかに暮らしていた。

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #78 on: August 29 2006, 06:41 am »
Okay, this episode is cementing my hatred for the anime.  The filler episodes don't count because they were awful without ruining the manga (except for the part where everyone has their original outfits when they should have lost them in Shurano/Sharano).  THIS episode, however, is ruining manga storylines as well as RUINING CHARACTERISIATION!

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Okay, first of all, great story telling, Beetrain.  Just dump us in a backstory without any explaination other than 'Syaoran found a book in a Library'.  How about telling us what world they're in, where the library is, what they're DOING in a library, hell, even if everyone is THERE!

Second...WHAT DID THEY DO TO KURO-CHICHIUE!!!!!!!  Kuro-chichiue was kind and light hearted (despite how seriously he took his role of protecting Suwa) and sweet in the manga!  When did he become gruff, rough and MEAN!  They have just STOMPED on his characterisation!  The artwork for him is pretty good, no real complaint there, but I would rather the artwork look like crap and the characters actually be correct.

Okay, yeah, Chibi-Kuro is the most adorable thing EVER but how can I enjoy Chibi-Kuro when I'm weeping for Kuro-Chichiue!

Kuro-Chichue's voice is WAY to deep.  It doesn't fit his character.  Although I suppose it fits the whacked out Beetrain version.  Evil Beetchrain.

Um, Beetrain?  I don't think Syaoran would have been watching Chibi-Kuro and Kuro-Hahaue in the bathtub.  I think he would have flipped a few pages ahead if he started to see that.  Syaoran is too shy to spy on people bathing.  Of course, since you haven't exactly shown us that Syaoran is CAUSING this backstory and haven't shown him standing nearby with the BOOK...

Side note:  Teen-Kuro=Hotter than Syaoran.

GASP!  BLOOD!  Kuro-chichiue has BLOOD on his face!  Hurry, a small fluffy bunny somewhere is going to faint from the sight of it.  Beetrain how COULD you frighten the little bunny like that!  You should be keeping ALL traces of blood from the anime to prevent such a thing!

Okay, they really didn't animate the intimacy between Kuro-chichiue and Kuro-hahaue very well.  In fact, the whole family feeling just isn't there like it was in the manga.

I actually like Teen-Kuro's voice.  14/15 year olds don't always have fully broken voices and I find it rather sweet and fitting with pre-truamatised Kuro that he still has a rather high voice.

Kuro-hahaue's death scene?  Best scene Beetrain have done so far to date.  No sarcasm.  That is a genuine compliment!  ::shock horror::  (Although the fact that they allowed the sword to be covered in blood but didn't allow any blood on the floor/on Kuro-hahaue is a bit weird).  Kuro's final 'Hahaue' scream with the breaking/croaking voice and genuine pain plus the realistic sobs...kudos to the voice actress!  I might have to semi-worship her whenever I hear Teen-Kuro's voice.

Not, however, impressed with the monster turning things to stone.  But that doesn't really affect things too much so I'll let it slide.

OMG Teen-Kuro's voice actress really DOES knows how to CRY!  Listen to her go AGAIN after Tomoyo-tachi show up!  And she makes it sound both good AND realistic!  It doesn't even sound cheesy or, as some American voice actresses make it sound, embarrasing!

And, because Beetrain didn't start this world properly, you get a WTFugle? feeling at the end of it when we see everyone in the library.  And Syaoran crying WAS embarrasing.  ::sigh::

So, in summary, Kuro-chichiue is hot, but his characterisation is crap.  Chibi-Kuro is Kawaii.  Teen-Kuro is hot too, and his voice actress rocks.  Hard.  Kuro-hahaue has the best death scene ever.  Teen-Kuro crys fantastically whilst Teen-Syaoran does not.  And Beetrain, despite impressing me with the Kuro-hahaue death scene, has $h*& on this episode.

Nough said!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 14: Black Steel
« Reply #79 on: August 29 2006, 04:25 pm »

sub added

it was a nice ep, nothing more i can say about it
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