AuthorTopic: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny  (Read 7295 times)

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[Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« on: January 15 2006, 11:04 am »
This is the 2nd one in my series.  Read, When Seto Kaiba Gets Bored to catch up!  :tongue3: Enjoy!

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #1 on: January 23 2006, 03:04 am »

Seto walked toward the front of his mansion, where his sleek limo as usual was there waiting to take him to wherever he wanted.  His most trusted limo driver Charlie opened the door for him with a friendly nod.  Seto gave his rare smiles to Charlie and entered.
As they traveled along the dusty road, Seto, lost in his thoughts began mixing himself coffee.  Charlie glanced up at the mirror and grinned at his boss.

They had arrived at KaibaCorp, but there were a crowd of people there, even some media! Charlie was a little suprised, did the young Mr.Kaiba invent new technology?  As he glanced in the mirror again, he was even more shocked to see Seto Kaiba, white in the face, his fist clenched and his lips pursed together.

"I''ll get out now, just park the car Charlie."
"Yes sir."
As Seto got out and started walking briskly to the front of the building, the mob swarmed.



Seto stopped in his tracks.   How had it already leaked out?  "Goddamn papparazis" he muttered under his breath.

But that had caused quite a commotion in the crowds.  The fan girls, and some of the fan BOYS were going into hysterics.

Seto needed to get out of this.  He pushed people aside, and him being 6''4 you couldnt really push back.  As he entered the building, he barked out orders, "Mike, Chris, Dan, go call up security, I want the front of my office cleared in 5 minutes, No reporters, no fans, NO NOTHING.  NOW!"  The three men hastened to obey.  Meanwhile Seto went to the highest floor, his office and took a Tylonol.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #2 on: February 04 2006, 02:18 am »
Ch 2

How could it have leaked out...  Seto's mind whirled with the possibilites.  Suddenly the phone rang making him jump.
"Hello" He growled.
"Um Mr.Kaiba...Tiffany's on the other line.  She wants to talk to you."
"Well then what are you waiting for?! Put her on!"
"Yes sir."
When Seto heard her voice, he felt all the anger go away.  He felt better already just hearing her voice.
"Yes, it's me."  All of a sudden a thought struck him.  "Are you alright?  Do you need anything?"
"No no, it's nothing like that.  I just wanted to make sure you were alright.."
Seto frowned a bit.  "Why wouldn't I be alright?"
"I..oh its nothing."
"Alright..I'll come home as soon as I can okay sweetie?"
"Okay Seto."

Seto felt strange.  Why had Tiffany ask him if he was alright?  "Maybe she saw the news..." He thought.  "Yeah thats it..the news"

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #3 on: February 14 2006, 09:17 am »
Ch 3

Tiffany, hadn't seen the news.  She got up from the couch and started wandering around the mannor cooking lunch.

Seto on the otherhand was in a working frenzy.  His total amount of coffee was 17 cups.  He finally got up and looked at his watch.  1:20 Pm.  His stomach rumbled.  He glanced at the paperwork and back outside.  He sighed.  It seemed like lunch would have to wait.  Seto sat back down again and started typing like a madman.

Back home, Tiffany had also glanced at the clock.  1:40.  She sighed.  It seemed like Seto wasn't going to come home to eat lunch today either.  For she knew that Seto was a guy who was always on time, or rather 10 minutes earlier than the appointed time.  If he wanted to come home for lunch he left Kaiba Corp at 1:20 and arrived at 1:30.

"WHAT?!!?"  Seto yelled in the reciever.  He was on the edge today and was yelling just about every other minute at someone.

"Ah, so if it isn't my son.  The little boss man."  The man on the other end chuckled cruely.
Seto froze when he heard that familiar voice that haunted his past.  If it was even humanly possible, his anger raged.
"Gozebaru"  Seto growled.  "What the hell do you want and how did you get my private line?!"
The man chuckled again.  "The Oh so Prominent Buisness man.  Hah, Seto.  So how's MY COMPANY treating you?"
"You old fool.  I got it from you.  And obviously I'm not building war machines like you did to ruin people's lives.  Now why, are you calling?!?!  If you don't give me a reason...let me rephrase that, a good reason in 3 seconds, I will trace this call and peronally beat you up.
"HAHAHHAHAHA.  Would you really want to do that Seto?  Your really not in a bargining position you know"
"And why the hell would I not?!"

"Because I have your girlfriend."

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #4 on: March 07 2006, 08:56 am »
Ch 4

Because i have your girlfriend.
Seto sat stunned in his seat for about 10 seconds. One word passed through his brain.  "Tiffany" He then whispered into the phone, "Leave her out of this Gozebaru."

Gozebaru smirked on the other end of the line.  He peered over his desk to look at Seto's girlfriend closer.  She was rather on the short side.  5''1 at most.  Looked athletic and glared at him like Seto would. "Most definetly Seto's style." Gozebaru said. 
"Did you hear me Gozebaru???? Leave her out of this!!!"
"But Seto, use that big brain of yours.  It's too late.  She's already here."  He smirked again.  "Now I suggest you do what I tell you to, unless you want your pretty little girl here to be in a lot of pain."
Seto's face drained of its remaing color.  He spoke tiredly in the phone.
"Fine.  What do you want?"
"Hah, I thought you'd come around soon enough."
Seto tensed up.  "It's not like I had a choice."
"Hahhahaha.  Seto Kaiba huh?  What a hell of a man you've become.  Now, I may be a shady character, but heh,  I do keep my promises..unless you make a wrong move Seto.  Heh, I swear, I'm going to put your little IQ to the test when you try and rescue your little girlfriend."
"Bring it on Gozebaru.  But you'll wish you'd be dead by the time I'm done with you."
Hahaha...we'll see Seto Kaiba.


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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #5 on: March 30 2006, 10:43 am »
Tiffany stared at Gozebaru long and hard.  She had a small fear of  this man, but she knew Seto would be here in due time.  She struggled against her bonds, but to no avail, they would not come lose.  Suddenly, Gozebaru laughed.  "Quite feisty aren't you?, Heh, no matter, soon, you'll die anyway."  She just glared at him.

Back at the office.  Seto started downstairs immediatly after the phone call had ended.  He didn't care if he had millions of meetings to go to right now, Tiffany was in danger.  She was the main priority right now.  He had to get to her.  He actually trembled at the thought of what would happen if he wasn't there in time.  "But that's not going to happen" he thought.  He raced down the hallway, and jumped into his car.  Time was wasting.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #6 on: May 28 2006, 03:51 am »
Ch 6

Gozebaru walked slowly up to Tiffany and slyly put his hand on her face.  She bit his hand, and Gozebaru angrily pulled his hand back.  He glared and said, "Becareful what you do girl...your life is in my hands.  Your lover boy isn't gonna get the chance to come save you.  So you better listen to me."  Tiffany glared angrily back.  But a hint of fear showed on her face, What if Seto didn't come in time?

Seto sped down the Manhattan streets and broke just about every single traffic rule in the book.  His hands were clenched on the steering wheel and his feet were pounding down on the accelerator.  He grimaced, "There's only one place where Gozebaru would be..."  Seto suddenly took a sharp left as he left the bustling and crowded sounds of the city.  The Nissan sped through the countryside as Seto willed his car to go faster.  30 minutes later Seto's car stopped in front of a fairly old building.  It loomed in front of him.  This building was supposed to be closed down years ago, but Seto knew that Gozebaru was using this place to hold Tiffany.  "What a jackass" Seto mused.  "Using the old KC building"  Seto's quickly got out of the car and saw what he needed to see.  In the parking lot was the limo with the initals GK.  "Gozebaru..Kaiba..still traveling in style old man.."  Seto ran to the front doors and pulled.  It wouldn't open.  He growled and pulled out a small revolver and put 2 rounds into the lock..  The lock burst open as Seto put the revolver back into his trenchcoat and ran inside. 
     The building was deserted and yet he heard noises coming from the upper floors..the sound of struggle.

    Upstairs, Gozebaru slightly panicked at what the camera was showing him.  Seto J. Kaiba had just walked in.  However the panic flew off his face quickly as a smirk slid on.  "I see how you play Seto...we'll just add a little twist to it." he whispered.  With that, he turned to face his hostage with a coy smile on his face.  Before doing so, his hand pressed a small button on his desk and a light grew red.  He then walked up to Seto's lover.
   Tiffany had seen the cameras as well and her heart soared as she saw Seto.  But she knew Gozebaru Kaiba would move quickly now.  And it was so, as he was advancing on her right now.  Fear was on her face.  Seto...please hurry... she thought.  She wasn't going down by this creep.  She would fight.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #7 on: June 07 2006, 02:26 pm »
Ch 7

Gozebaru slowly walked up to Tiffany.  Menacingly....slyly...A small smirk came across his face as he thought of the pain he would give her, and the agony he would cause Seto Kaiba  He slowly pulled out a small dagger and it reflected the shock and frightened face of the girl in front of him.  He chuckled quietly.  "Now you're beginning to understand, aren't you?"  Gozebaru slowly inched the dagger in front of her face.  But before he could do anything, the door burted open and a pain shot through Gozebaru's shoulder.  Then a voice.  Deep, and menacing.
 "Gozebaru...get the hell away from her before I break you apart limb to limb."
"Seto Kaiba...hmph...hahah...welcome to the party.  No party would ever be the same without you.  I'm glad you made it in time."
Seto growled, as he cocked the gun again. "My pleasure...oh, and you might want to take care of your shoulder"

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #8 on: July 04 2006, 03:30 am »
Ch 9

Tiffany rushed over to Seto's side.  His hand was trembling slightly.  " can't leave me alone here..."
"Tiffany...listen to me.." Seto choked out, "Just take the elevator down and my car will be in the parking lot..."
"NO! I'm not going to leave you, let's go!"  Tiffany supported Seto and after a bit of struggling, reached the car.  She put Seto in the backseat gently laying him down.  She then got into the driver's seat and drove to the nearest hospital.

"Ma'am...I'm afraid...that it's going to take more than a miracle for him to recover..."
Tiffany just glared at the doctor.  "He's Seto Kaiba, he'll make it."
"Ma'am...even if he IS Seto Kaiba, he's not superhuman..,you can go in and visit him now if you'd like."
Tiffany stood up, and couldn't help supress a smile.  She reminiced about a time before:
"Seto you're okay!!"
"Of COURSE I'm okay.  I AM Seto Kaiba."
" could...I mean...the doctor's said it was impossible..."
" many times am I going to have to say it?  I'm superhuman."

Tiffany slowly got up and walked to Seto's room.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Fate Meets Destiny
« Reply #9 on: July 20 2006, 12:05 pm »
As Tiffany walked into Seto's room, the only sound was from Seto's heart monitor.  She walked to his bedside and held his hand.  All of a sudden, Seto's heart line slowed to a stop.  Tiffany's face paled as her hand gripped his.  No, this couldn't be the end of him... "Comeon Seto...don't be a jerk, don't do this to me..."  She whispered. 10 seconds pass  Slowly but surely his heart came back to normal.  He stirred a bit and opened his eyes.
He whispered, "I heard you Tiffany.  And I kept on fighting."  Tears started falling from Tiffany's face as she hugged Seto tightly.  Then, as Seto pushed away from the hug, he said gently, "I love you."  And kissed her.  Tiffany smiled.  " I guess it's true.  You ARE superhuman."
Seto smirked weakly.  "That's right babe.  I'm superhuman."

                                     End-2nd in the series :okay: