General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are you most afraid of? ^o^

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--- Quote ---Of Fai and Kurogane being seperated at the end of the series DX
--- End quote ---

I'm afraid of that, too!!

I think if that happened, then half the world would go into a depression, and doctors would make billions off of prozac, and therapists would be cracking open their skulls, trying to udnerstand why half a million girls have all suddenly gone into this kind of state.

Sailor Yue-chan:
this terrible habit of mine getting me into major trouble :(

i'm actually afraid of a lot of things ^_^ *paranoiddd*
but i guess...i'm most of afraid of "fear" itself...<_<

i'm afraid of losing my big brother,who is the person i care the most in this world ...
i'm not talking about death,i mean that he is such independent and adventurous that i fear of seeing him leave far away from me,in another country or even another continent,because there is so much thing i would like to tell him,but i'm too shy to admit my feelings ...  :(

I'm afraid of spiders.


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