CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
The Remember Hideki Campaign
Maybe Fai still rememers Ashura-ou, but Ithink that now he likes Kurogane.
--- Quote from: unglued on September 17 2006, 08:58 am ---Personally, I think Ashura-ouxFye makes a lot of logical sense, too and so does KuroganexTomoyo but that's another whole different topic. I'm still not entirely convinced about KuroganexFye, I think it's quite obvious that Fye still loves Ashura-ou.
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Having read parts of RGVeda...I'm not sure about AshuraXFai. Possibly more hero worship. I am entirely convinced on the subject of KuroFai, especially given the latest chapters and hints Clamp have smacked throughout the manga...*sigh* I love that pairing. It's been a long time since I've liked a pairing so much.
Honestly? I don't entirely get KuroganeXTomoyo, as it seems a little OOC for both of them...especially given Tomoyo's personality in CCS...but, each to their own. I have nothing against the pairing personally, it just confuses me. As I said, each to their own. >> We're all united against the lack of logical thought that is FaiChi anyway.
...Why? I don't get it. *clings to HidekiXChi*
Added you to the list, unglued. Thank you for joining. ^^ I can't take full credit for the idea - half of it goes to Becster, my co-founder.
My opinion is that both KuroFai and Fai/Ashura-ou make sense within canon as we currently know it. A lot of the more recent chapters have convinced me that KuroFai is fairly canon, but I think I'll always prefer Fai/Ashura-ou, and be more interested in that relationship. Fai/Chii of course makes no sense, for reasons we have enumerated. Chii's special person is Hideki, that is how things work in CLAMP, end of story.
--- Quote from: unglued on September 17 2006, 08:58 am ---Personally, I think Ashura-ouxFye makes a lot of logical sense, too and so does KuroganexTomoyo but that's another whole different topic. I'm still not entirely convinced about KuroganexFye, I think it's quite obvious that Fye still loves Ashura-ou.
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Yeah, I think Ashura/Fai makes sense too. I think Fai was/is in love with Ashura but that Ashura never really loved him back.
As for KuroFai... xd Well, to each his/her own. But you know, even if Fai is still in love with Ashura to an extent, that doesn't mean he isn't in love with Kurogane. In the end, whether Fai loves Ashura or not, he turned his back on him and betrayed him.
Each to their own opinion...
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