I guess I might as well post this, since I spent ten minutes typing it (Hooray for slow typing), even though some of it probably isnt relevant anymore. .__.
I personally dont see why people aren't allowed to defend their pairings anymore (in a reasonable debate). If you're in a minority you still have a right to talk about your own opinions, but the majority also has a right. It isnt "ganging up", it's just the fact that more people are trying to defend the same thing.
I dont like to get involved in pairing discussions, because I know that in the end I'll get far too defensive. Same reason I stay away from the TsubasaChronicle.net forums.
IMO, FaixChi has no chance of happening - unless Chi turns out to be her sister (Freya? I always get those two mixed up. Need to reread Chobits sometime soon.). And from the few pages of Chi-canon we actually have she wasnt really behaving like Freya.
And the great thing about being in a fandom-centered community is the discussions and debates. People aren't always going to agree - even within a fandom. At the end of the day, if you dont like being overwhelmed by people supporting a rival ship or theory, dont join the debate in the first place. There's plenty to talk about without getting into a heated argument about who's going to end up with who. And anyway, should we really be labeling each other by which ship *cough* floats our boat? Isn't that just prejudiced? Outside of ship debate threads, it shouldn't make much difference.