AuthorTopic: Chapter 124  (Read 95072 times)

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #280 on: August 05 2006, 05:22 am »
Because if Kamui had been the one sleeping the things wold have been like this:

*Subaru arrives to the Xworld*
Subaru: I'll like to help you to protect this place *shy smile*
Xgang: ô.o well... it's okay I guess...
Subaru: My thanks *go to the water* I'll stay here Kamui
Kamui: ZzzZZzzz
*Attack for the water*
Subaru: Sorry, but I'll not hand it over
Tower gang: weI'll take it!
Subaru: Oh please no, I'll have to attack you because I really do not want you to hurt my twin, who is in the water and because He could probably rip your heart out if you hurt me, he's overprotectibe you know, I wonder why.
Tower gang: O_o?!?!?

Yeah, Subaru looks much alike to Kamui in TRC, I want to see them with the same outfit XD I really like those two as siblings.

He's polite and kind, but he does know how to fight. ^_^

...and why do I get the sneaking suspicion poor Subaru is going to be tortured by CLAMP again in this series?  That'll make it three series for him, he just can't get a break.  Also, I think his wanting to stay in this world has more to do with Sakura than Seishirou.  The way he was looking at her, I wouldn't put it past him wanting to apologize and help her when she wakes up.  He's being selfless again, putting himself at risk to help someone.  As Hokuto said, he takes on others pain as if it were his own.  When they're sad, he's sad.  When they're happy, he's happy.  This is why Yuuko said in XXXHOLiC that he suffers from this (well, TB/X Subaru...but they have the same soul).

All Fye really needs is to go to a hospital, he doesn't need anyone to give up an eye for him.  The price of getting him to help is the problem, I'd say.  Dimension travel isn't cheap.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #281 on: August 05 2006, 05:52 am »
I don't think it'll be his strength (at least not permantently) it's just illogical. We couldn't have one fighter and three dependants. I think it'd be going back to Japan or his the chance of ever getting his sword back....
But it would be very interesting if he had to give up his strength,  it would mean his lesson was truly learned, but I'm not so sure he's really there yet.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #282 on: August 05 2006, 05:59 am »
I doubt his strength would be taken completely, maybe the curse that Tomoyo put on him would be activated? It was put there for a reason afterall. So he'd gradually be getting weaker, and we would have Kuro angst! Yay!
Doubtful. xD

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #283 on: August 05 2006, 06:10 am »
He's polite and kind, but he does know how to fight. ^_^

...and why do I get the sneaking suspicion poor Subaru is going to be tortured by CLAMP again in this series?  That'll make it three series for him, he just can't get a break.  Also, I think his wanting to stay in this world has more to do with Sakura than Seishirou.  The way he was looking at her, I wouldn't put it past him wanting to apologize and help her when she wakes up.  He's being selfless again, putting himself at risk to help someone. As Hokuto said, he takes on others pain as if it were his own.  When they're sad, he's sad.  When they're happy, he's happy.  This is why Yuuko said in XXXHOLiC that he suffers from this (well, TB/X Subaru...but they have the same soul).

All Fye really needs is to go to a hospital, he doesn't need anyone to give up an eye for him.  The price of getting him to help is the problem, I'd say.  Dimension travel isn't cheap.

I know he knows how to fight, but also know that he prefert not to, He's so polite XD.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure He wants to stay because of Sakura, after all he was traying to help her, and I'm sure CLAMP will make both of their angsty bunnies suffer in here as well, they like it.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #284 on: August 05 2006, 07:22 am »
As far as a lack of fighters, RSyao seems to be pretty competent, and he actually has both his eyes now... also we might see Fai using some of his "unstoppable" (tee!) magic more, now that CSyao is running amok with the other half of it.  It makes sense, because that's pretty much what Clamp did with Touya and Yukito, and repetition doesn't seem to bother them at all, seemshow they've blinded half their catalogue of characters....

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #285 on: August 05 2006, 07:39 am »
about the way to save fai's life,don't you think that peharps the key to his recovery remains in his world,Celes O__O ?
peharps Yuuko will tell Kurogane that he have to go to Fai's country to find a person who has the ability to help him...and it could be Ashura himself!
it would be a good stratagem to include Fai's past ^^
« Last Edit: August 05 2006, 07:53 am by Tatasenko »

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #286 on: August 05 2006, 07:41 am »
Oh, I'm dying to see more of Fai's powers! Hey, new idea! Maybe Fai is going to be so angry at Kurogane (and agitated inside because Kurogane saved him) that he'll at least make an attempt to use his powers against him or something? ... Wait, no. He could probably kill Kuro before making up his mind and confessing his undying love to him. Hm, maybe he could do a little magic to blow up a few pieces of furniture? Something that'll impress Kurogane deeply :haha:
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #287 on: August 05 2006, 08:02 am »
about the way to save fai's life,don't you think that peharps the key to his recovery remains in his world,Celes O__O ?
peharps Yuuko will tell Kurogane that he have to go to Fai's country to find a person who has the ability to help him...and it could be Ashura himself!
it would be a good stratagem to include Fai's past ^^

Love you for that! I never thought about that possible outcome.
Maybe Yuuko will tell them that there's someone/something powerful enough to heal him.
What if that person is Ashura o __ O
But.. even if that were to happen- will Ashura even heal him? Cosidering Fye did something to anger the king he had to flee away from his reach? But I still want Kurogane to pay the price!! XD

Oh, I'm dying to see more of Fai's powers! Hey, new idea! Maybe Fai is going to be so angry at Kurogane (and agitated inside because Kurogane saved him) that he'll at least make an attempt to use his powers against him or something? ... Wait, no. He could probably kill Kuro before making up his mind and confessing his undying love to him. Hm, maybe he could do a little magic to blow up a few pieces of furniture? Something that'll impress Kurogane deeply :haha:

Hmm, nice thought. Would be cool to see Fye all serious- eyes narrow and cold, no smile on his face.
I imagine he was like that while at battle- if he ever battled for Ashura.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #288 on: August 05 2006, 08:14 am »
about the way to save fai's life,don't you think that peharps the key to his recovery remains in his world,Celes O__O ?
peharps Yuuko will tell Kurogane that he have to go to Fai's country to find a person who has the ability to help him...and it could be Ashura himself!
it would be a good stratagem to include Fai's past ^^

I was so thinkin the same thing!! What if instead of Kuro paying something he had to go on a quest to Fai's homeworld and ask someone (hopefuly Ashura) to save Fai. And then he'll find out what he did and the angst between the two can continue. it'll be awesome!! But thats just a theory

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #289 on: August 05 2006, 08:23 am »
about the way to save fai's life,don't you think that peharps the key to his recovery remains in his world,Celes O__O ?
peharps Yuuko will tell Kurogane that he have to go to Fai's country to find a person who has the ability to help him...and it could be Ashura himself!
it would be a good stratagem to include Fai's past ^^

I was thinking that too.  We're assuming that it's a wish but it what if it's some sort of task that can only be completed in Celes.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #290 on: August 05 2006, 08:27 am »
To be honest, I hope they won't come to Celes too soon now. There's still so much that has to happen in X world, they can't move to Celes right now.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #291 on: August 05 2006, 08:32 am »
Heh - was that a request for me to draw something? :surprised: If you want to, I could try - but I really suck at drawing Kurogane as I once again had to learn today :dodge:

Guess, it's kind of like a request.  You can if you want.  ^_^  Haha..   It doesn't matter what Kurogane will look like.   I'm pretty sure you can draw him just fine.  :P

For me drawing Kurogane, he's tough too.  >_>  Especially his hair!!  
Edit:  And attatched a drawing of him below.  >_<

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #292 on: August 05 2006, 08:33 am »
Going back to chapter 115, I compared Kamui's original outfit to Subaru's. They are almost virtually identical. One can notice that there's a chain circling Subaru's right shoulder and ending in an attachment near the left shoulder. For Kamui, the chain circled his left shoulder and ended at the right one. Added to that, their pendants follow the same pattern. For Kamui, the white wing is on the left, while for Subaru the white wing is on the right. They truly are like yin and yang, two havles of the same whole. I hope Kamui changes back into that outfit. Then the vampiric siblings would truly look impressive together.

Somewhat odd to introduce Subaru at this time, what with everything else going on and virtually no one else paying much attention to him or Kamui. Oh well, perhaps there will be time enough later for the others to get to know the twins better.

Thinking about it, the two make an excellent team. Kamui seems to be the fierce, protective one. Subaru's probably the more mellow of the two and helps to keep Kamui in check. I just hope this saga doesn't end in tragedy for these particular versions of Subaru and Kamui. The other Kamui already suffered enough trauma in X, while that Subaru has accumulated quite a few psychological disorders through TB and X. Hopefully it won't end the same way. I doubt that this version of Seishirou will slay Kamui and thus traumatize Subaru, causing him to vow vengeance. Perhaps R! Syaoran will be able to befriend the vampire twins. It would be interesting to observe. They might all travel together. I had previously entertained an idea of C! Syaoran reverting to normal and R! Syaoran leaving with Kamui and Subaru.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #293 on: August 05 2006, 08:40 am »
Guess, it's kind of like a request.  You can if you want.  ^_^  Haha..   It doesn't matter what Kurogane will look like.   I'm pretty sure you can draw him just fine.  :P

For me drawing Kurogane, he's tough too.  >_>  Especially his hair!! 
Edit:  And attatched a drawing of him below.  >_<

I already made the first page last night, but gah... It was also the first time I drew Yuuko, so it looks pretty messy and weird... And I have absolutely no talent in drawing facial expressions >>" Well, okay. If you want to see a little of "my" Kuro, just look into TRC fanworks or what's it called. I have a thread there.

Your drawing is so cute ^___^ And I think for drawing it with mouse, it looks good. Mokonaaa~ *cuddles*
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #294 on: August 05 2006, 08:55 am »
I saw your "Kuro" and I thought he looked fine.   ^_^  I also like how you drew Fai.  Very saavy.  Hehe..   You got the first page done!?   Yayy..     *rubs hands together*   Be looking foward to seeing it sometime in the future.   ^_0

I remember reading somewhere in this thread about someone mentioning how R!Syaoran isn't too familiar with Fai.  R!Syaoran should actually be familiar with Fai since he's been with the clone for seven years now (seeing through his "eye"). Although, he does call Fai, "magician".   I do like the ideal of Kurogane having to find "someone" but the ideal of going to Ceres is a bit too soon for me.   Hmm..     Keep on speculating!   I like a lot of the ideals that are coming through here.    :keke:

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #295 on: August 05 2006, 09:21 am »
Going back to chapter 115, I compared Kamui's original outfit to Subaru's. They are almost virtually identical. One can notice that there's a chain circling Subaru's right shoulder and ending in an attachment near the left shoulder. For Kamui, the chain circled his left shoulder and ended at the right one. Added to that, their pendants follow the same pattern. For Kamui, the white wing is on the left, while for Subaru the white wing is on the right. They truly are like yin and yang, two havles of the same whole. I hope Kamui changes back into that outfit. Then the vampiric siblings would truly look impressive together.

Somewhat odd to introduce Subaru at this time, what with everything else going on and virtually no one else paying much attention to him or Kamui. Oh well, perhaps there will be time enough later for the others to get to know the twins better.

Thinking about it, the two make an excellent team. Kamui seems to be the fierce, protective one. Subaru's probably the more mellow of the two and helps to keep Kamui in check. I just hope this saga doesn't end in tragedy for these particular versions of Subaru and Kamui. The other Kamui already suffered enough trauma in X, while that Subaru has accumulated quite a few psychological disorders through TB and X. Hopefully it won't end the same way. I doubt that this version of Seishirou will slay Kamui and thus traumatize Subaru, causing him to vow vengeance. Perhaps R! Syaoran will be able to befriend the vampire twins. It would be interesting to observe. They might all travel together. I had previously entertained an idea of C! Syaoran reverting to normal and R! Syaoran leaving with Kamui and Subaru.

They are like yin and yang (Subaru was a yin-yang master in TB/X...).  If you also notice, the top part of their cloaks only have one side pointing up.  Of course, they're on the opposite sides (I'm a detail whore, so sue me).  They're mirrored.  Wonder if they're mirror twins, one writes left handed, the other right.  I knew a pair that were like that, they even had moles on the opposite sides.

The main question is, how are they traveling?  If it's by their own power, then geeze.  Fye said that one had to be extremely powerful to do it (for two people no less), and that most could only do it once.  Obviously they've done it several times already.  I wonder if they will travel together, Seishirou still has a feather afterall.

But something that is worrying me, will Sakura still want to go and collect her feathers?  Especially after Yuuko explains everything to them, as Kurogane wants.
« Last Edit: August 05 2006, 09:51 am by nefadol »

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #296 on: August 05 2006, 09:25 am »
I saw your "Kuro" and I thought he looked fine.   ^_^  I also like how you drew Fai.  Very saavy.  Hehe..   You got the first page done!?   Yayy..     *rubs hands together*   Be looking foward to seeing it sometime in the future.   ^_0

Thanks a lot. I'll do my very best to finish it soon, but it's also the first time I draw something longer than one page. I'm not very practised at drawing doujinshi ^^" But I won't give up! *Syaoran clone determination*
(But could you tell me what "saavy" means? And "going postal", by the way? My English knowledge is letting me down a little ^^")

I remember reading somewhere in this thread about someone mentioning how R!Syaoran isn't too familiar with Fai.  R!Syaoran should actually be familiar with Fai since he's been with the clone for seven years now (seeing through his "eye"). Although, he does call Fai, "magician".   I do like the ideal of Kurogane having to find "someone" but the ideal of going to Ceres is a bit too soon for me.   Hmm..     Keep on speculating!   I like a lot of the ideals that are coming through here.    :keke:

Yeah, there are cool theories. But I do hope it is something that involves Fai knocked out longer, so that someone has to stay with him in case he wakes up. And that someone of course has to be Kurogane, so they'll have a nice, quiet moment together :keke:
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #297 on: August 05 2006, 09:49 am »
Maybe Subaru and Kamui travel by stealing the souls of others.  The term 'Vampire' is a bit more loose in Asian mythology, isn't it?  Maybe they can eat 'souls' in the same way a 'western' vampire drinks blood.  And maybe they use those souls to power the ability to travel (after all, isn't FWR collecting souls for the same reason *Holicvol5*).

Still can't see Subaru hurting anyone whilst being a Vampire (stealing souls OR drinkng blood-I'm sure Kamui must do it all for him).

Just a theory, anyway.

I like the theory that Cele's contains the way to heal Fay (especially if Ashura is the key to it!) but I also agree that there is still so much to do in Tokyo.  They still have to address the water problem, Fuuma's gang, the potential of Seishirou showing up/the possibility of Subaru and Kamui following Sakura-tachi/no Seishirou and Subaru reunion (depending on which one occurs) much storyline, so little space in each chapter.  If they fit everything in, surely they'll still be in Tokyo for New Year!

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #298 on: August 05 2006, 10:28 am »
I don't speak a lot but when i suggest something it seems that everyone agree ^^

In fact i really hope that my theory won't happen because i don't want Ashura to be on the way of Kurogane and Fai...NOT NOW,not after all this kurofainess !!!

For now,i just want the two of them to think only of each other,to live only for each other,and to sacrifice all they have only for each other ^^ !!!

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #299 on: August 05 2006, 12:10 pm »
Well, I didn't really want my left leg
Kurogane with automail! XD!

I am so Crack!Shipping Sakura/Subaru :D.
Mirroring the twins makes me wonder again why they didnt use Hokuto, probably just for a (good) twist. I can see Hokuto enjoying being a vampire, however then neither of the twins would be ****** butt kickers then.
I'm glad Subaru has someone trustworthy to protect him this time around, it didnt work out too well last time.