AuthorTopic: Chapter 124  (Read 102114 times)

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #300 on: August 05 2006, 01:18 pm »
I'm kinda torn in regards to the Ashura/Celes theory. It would be extremely unfair of that to be the price, unless Fai stays behind the entire time. Fai's wish was to never return to Celes, and Yuuko wouldn't negate his wish, since saving his life is technically not Fai's wish, but Kurogane's... I am sure she has something up her sleeve, as Yuuko always does, that magnificent woman. My fangirl self is saying MAKE KUROGANE'S PRICE BE JAPAN, because I am terrible

Ehhh, I am a very bored person, so I colored another little panel of the chapter:

Click to Enlarge
« Last Edit: August 05 2006, 01:38 pm by meliwan »

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #301 on: August 05 2006, 06:40 pm »
I'm kinda torn in regards to the Ashura/Celes theory. It would be extremely unfair of that to be the price, unless Fai stays behind the entire time. Fai's wish was to never return to Celes, and Yuuko wouldn't negate his wish, since saving his life is technically not Fai's wish, but Kurogane's... I am sure she has something up her sleeve, as Yuuko always does, that magnificent woman. My fangirl self is saying MAKE KUROGANE'S PRICE BE JAPAN, because I am terrible

Ehhh, I am a very bored person, so I colored another little panel of the chapter:

Click to Enlarge

Hmm, I agree, actully, regarding Celes.  It IS Kurogane's wish (not Fay's) so it would be unfair to trap Fay like that.  But then, on the other hand, Yuuko is all about what needs to be done, not what people want.  Perhaps Fay NEEDS to return to Celes, whether he likes it or not, and this is the way for Yuuko to make it happen.

And like someone pointed out, although their wishes were to go back home/not go back home, the wish Yuuko actually granted was for them to travel to lots of different worlds.  So Yuuko wouldn't be going back on their wishes.

And that coloured manga panel is gorgeous!  I love the tone effect on the colour.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #302 on: August 05 2006, 07:26 pm »
Fai's wish was to never return to the world that he is from.  As what Yuuko said to Doumeki, "When wishes create opposing effects, the one that was first asked of me will be given priority".  So it's highly unlikely that she would send him there.

On the whole Subaru and Kamui like Yin and Yang thing (from Wikipedia):

Yin, the darker element, is passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponds to the night; yang, the brighter element, is active, light, masculine, upward-seeking and corresponds to the day; yin is often symbolized by water, while yang is symbolized by fire.

...that describes them too well. >_<
« Last Edit: August 05 2006, 07:42 pm by nefadol »

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #303 on: August 05 2006, 07:37 pm »
Awesome pic, meliwan! *hugs* Awww, assgrabbing in all its glorious beauty and in color is just wonderful~

Btw, on LJ someone wrote:
Will Yuko give a way to save Fay and Shaoran????????
Syaoran? Who the f*ck is Syaoran? That guy in the background there?
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #304 on: August 05 2006, 08:53 pm »
hey,do you remenber what was the last sentence that Fai said to Kurogane before living for the desert (sniff,their last interaction before they were apart for so long)?
it was "Kuro-sama,i have a favor to ask of you" suits perfectly with the actual situation,kinda weird neh ?

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #305 on: August 05 2006, 09:10 pm »
I saw this theory on another TRC board and I thought I'd share. x)

"After reading the latest xxxHolic and Tsubasa chapters I have come up with a theory about the water Yuuko had Watanuki go get. Remember when Doumeki and Watanuki were going through the different books at Doumeki's trying to figure out how to restore Watanuki's eyesight? They came upon a text written by Doumeki's grandfater about restoring eyesight, and it mentioned washing the empty eye in some kind of water. I've been thinking that perhaps the water Yuuko had Watanuki get is going to be used to help save Fai. Just a theory, let me know what you think."

Still doesn't give us any clue on what the price might be though. *shakes fist*

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #306 on: August 05 2006, 09:14 pm »
I saw this theory on another TRC board and I thought I'd share. x)

"After reading the latest xxxHolic and Tsubasa chapters I have come up with a theory about the water Yuuko had Watanuki go get. Remember when Doumeki and Watanuki were going through the different books at Doumeki's trying to figure out how to restore Watanuki's eyesight? They came upon a text written by Doumeki's grandfater about restoring eyesight, and it mentioned washing the empty eye in some kind of water. I've been thinking that perhaps the water Yuuko had Watanuki get is going to be used to help save Fai. Just a theory, let me know what you think."

Still doesn't give us any clue on what the price might be though. *shakes fist*

It's possible that Yuuko did get the water because she knew what would happen to Fai, but in Volume 9 Ashura says something about her not being able to interfere until someone requests it. It's also possible she prepared because she knew Kuro would pay the price to save Fai. She also knew that they'd fall in love over the jounrey; she probably fangirls them as well as Doumeki and Watanuki. WAHAHA...

Still...I don't think we'll know anything about the price until the chapter is released...or if those spoilers leak out again. I mean, I'm dubious of spoilers as they've been wrong before...but...the spoilers for chapter 124 hit the nail on the head. o_o


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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #307 on: August 05 2006, 09:29 pm »
Hm, isn't anyone but me annoyed with the clone being able to develop a heart of his own? I take it that it's doubtless that he eventually will, and then he and Sakura will live happily ever after, and Real Syaoran will... go and do something else.

I mean, sure, it's not like we haven't known the whole time that the two of them would end up together, but when we first learned about Syaoran being a clone I thought: "yay, maybe the happy ending wasn't so given after all! Now it will be something bittersweet, like the clone being destroyed and Sakura going back home with the 'wrong' Syaoran, always knowing he isn't really her dear childhood friend"... but no. -_-

Syaoran? Who the f*ck is Syaoran? That guy in the background there?

Heh, well said. But what do you expect, CLAMP, presenting us with a dying Fai, and an angsty Sakura and injured/soulless Syaoran. Of course Fai is prior one!

As for what price Kuro will have to pay... I still think there is a possibility that he won't have to make a wish. The series has yet some way to go, and I think it's a bit too early for the "OMG! now it's definetly, absolutely, beyond all doubt-ly canon!" scene, aka "the scene where Fai finds out what high a price Kurogane had to pay to save him, and the conversation that follows".
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #308 on: August 05 2006, 09:29 pm »
Fai's wish was to never return to the world that he is from.  As what Yuuko said to Doumeki, "When wishes create opposing effects, the one that was first asked of me will be given priority".  So it's highly unlikely that she would send him there.

That was what he asked for but Yuuko doesn't grant wishes but gives people the means to grant their wishes themselves.

For example (I'll go into spoiler tags cause I'm going to talk about Holic for a bit)
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the woman addicted to the computer-Yuuko didn't cure her, she just took away the temptation for a bit to give the woman a chance to cure herself.  The woman who lied and was starting to paralyse herself, Yuuko gave her a chance to come clean rather than tell her what she was doing wrong.
  Most of the wishes asked of her have been 'granted' by the one asking-Yuuko has just given them hints/set up situations/given them items that allow them to do so.

Therefore, when Syaoran, Fay and Kurogane asked for their wishes she didn't grant them.  She just gave them the means to do so themselves.  She even TELLS Syaoran that he has to save Sakura himself, that he has to find the feathers on his own.  She is just giving him the opertunity to travel to lots of worlds.  The same goes to the other two.  She tells Fay and Kurogane that she has no idea what worlds they will land in (and therefore whether they will ever land in Kurogane's world OR Fay's) but she is giving them the CHANCE to fulfill their wishes.

She never states that Kurogane will go home or that Fay will never go back to Celes.  She never states that they will save Sakura.  All she says is that Mokona will grant them the ability to take them to lots of different worlds and the price they paid was for MOKONA.  They haven't paid for anything else (except the magic 'slime ball' they used in Kouryo) including their actual wishes.

I hope that makes sense outside of my head because it's really clear to me but I don't know how well I'm explaining it.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #309 on: August 05 2006, 09:46 pm »
That was what he asked for but Yuuko doesn't grant wishes but gives people the means to grant their wishes themselves.

That is the case for the most part, but not always.  Sometimes she does outright grant a a wish,
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take Watanuki's wish for Doumeki's eye.

Their traveling is the means to grant the wish, but traveling wasn't his wish, just a method to grant it.  I'm just saying that Fai's wish was to never go home, and in granting a wish that is for someone else which would cancel out his wish, would go against Yuuko's principles.

On the water theory...some XXXHOLiC spoilers, though nothing major.

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Yeah, I think the water is for Fai.  Isn't asking of the water from Nekomusume for the price of a hat a bit odd?  She said that she is an information broker, so it's more like she's taking advantage of her knowledge of where to find that water.

Yuuko: I want water from a certain well.  Water that has been there for a long time and that hasn't been mixed with tap water yet.  I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Nekomusume: I do.  Do you mind if it's not clean?
Yuuko: Not at all.

The water is also strangely heavy, so much so that Watanuki can only carry one of the 13 containers at a time, which are only the size of a basket ball.  If you think about it, they'd fit through Mokona's mouth quite well. ^_^

XXXHOLiC is a bit behind Tsubasa, so by the time Yuuko is talking to the Tsubasa gang, all of the water should have been collected.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #310 on: August 05 2006, 10:27 pm »
I downloaded this chapter the day it was up, but haven't had a chance to say anything until now ^^;

not that I have that much to say...

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Poor Sakura. One of the ultimate worst feelings in the world is to have the person you tust and love just walk away from you and leave you abandoned. ;___; I feel extremely sorry for her.

Actually, I'm feeling sorry for most characters really.. ^^;

I hope Fye will be ok... Go Kurogane! save him ^_^ make those fangirls squeal

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #311 on: August 05 2006, 11:50 pm »
I love the theory about the water from xxxHOLiC- it would fit perfectly. And honestly, since CLAMP had Kurogane ask about the price, I don't think CLAMP would turn around and have him NOT pay. Kurogane IS going to pay the price.

And I'm sorry, but as much as I love Kamui, it STILL irks me that he is apparently Subaru's twin. It's just lame. Subaru HAS a twin. Why give him a new one? -_- If it turns out that Hokuto doesn't show up in TRC, that will be a huge let-down for me.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #312 on: August 06 2006, 12:40 am »
She also knew that they'd fall in love over the jounrey; she probably fangirls them as well as Doumeki and Watanuki. WAHAHA...

Absolutely! I love the smirk on Yuuko's face when she says there is a way to save Fai...She's like..."Knew you'd ask..was that hard for you?Hahahaha!"

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #313 on: August 06 2006, 12:42 am »
And I'm sorry, but as much as I love Kamui, it STILL irks me that he is apparently Subaru's twin. It's just lame. Subaru HAS a twin. Why give him a new one? -_- If it turns out that Hokuto doesn't show up in TRC, that will be a huge let-down for me.

Well, family relations aren't always the same in TRC.  Fujitaka wasn't Sakura's father for example, so it's not too out there for Hokuto to not be his twin.  Although they were fraternal twins to begin with.  Whose to say she's still not his sister? For all we know she could be his and Kamui's older sister. ;)

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #314 on: August 06 2006, 01:56 am »
I just started reading xxxHolic....I wonder, if the price Syaoran paid Yuuko was more than he realized? Maybe that's why the heart didn't develp...or something....

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #315 on: August 06 2006, 02:37 am »
The water theory has also occurred to me (I think I've gone over every theory since I've been thinking about it so much, lol).  That water is definitely important to one of the stories.

I'm also disappointed that Kamui apparently is the twin.  It doesn't make sense to me.  I wonder why CLAMP changed the the dynamics of their relationship. They've always had a big brother/little brother relationship with Subaru always looking out for Kamui.  Now it seems as if Kamui is the one looking out for Subaru.  And Fuuma better show up soon becasue this Kamui doesn't seem to understand that Subaru will only love Seishirou and that he should learn the meaning "hands off".
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #316 on: August 06 2006, 02:47 am »
I just started reading xxxHolic....I wonder, if the price Syaoran paid Yuuko was more than he realized? Maybe that's why the heart didn't develp...or something....

Yuuko did tell Watanuki that she should have also taken Syaoran's memories of Sakura, but that she's too soft hearted and settled with only Sakura losing the memories.  The price could have been far worse.  -_-

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #317 on: August 06 2006, 04:21 am »
^ if that would happen then there wouldn't have been a story..

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #318 on: August 06 2006, 05:39 am »
And I have a feeling that without the memories of Sakura, the clone-self would have surfaced way sooner, plus without the memories, he would not be able now to rebuild his heart. After finding out about Syaoran, I have wondered whether there reason for Yuuko's "soft-heartedness" was something along those lines, for she knew what he was.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #319 on: August 06 2006, 09:27 am »
ch 125...water theory...

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