Hm, isn't anyone but me annoyed with the clone being able to develop a heart of his own? I take it that it's doubtless that he eventually will, and then he and Sakura will live happily ever after, and Real Syaoran will... go and do something else.
I mean, sure, it's not like we haven't
known the whole time that the two of them would end up together, but when we first learned about Syaoran being a clone I thought: "yay, maybe the happy ending wasn't so given after all! Now it will be something bittersweet, like the clone being destroyed and Sakura going back home with the 'wrong' Syaoran, always knowing he isn't really her dear childhood friend"... but no.

Syaoran? Who the f*ck is Syaoran? That guy in the background there?
Heh, well said. But what do you expect, CLAMP, presenting us with a dying Fai, and an angsty Sakura and injured/soulless Syaoran. Of course Fai is prior one!
As for what price Kuro will have to pay... I still think there is a possibility that he won't have to make a wish. The series has yet some way to go, and I think it's a bit too early for the "OMG! now it's definetly, absolutely, beyond all doubt-ly canon!" scene, aka "the scene where Fai finds out what high a price Kurogane had to pay to save him, and the conversation that follows".