AuthorTopic: Chapter 124  (Read 101891 times)

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Offline Sokasato

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #20 on: August 03 2006, 03:42 am »
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Now I wonder how FWR is going to get Sakura's feathers. Oh Two syaorans!! *Squee* And yeah, I thought Subaru was a girl too.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #21 on: August 03 2006, 03:42 am »
omg!! This chapter is... ahhhhh!!!!

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FAI!!!!!!!! NOOOOO, I started crying. I thought he died in second to last page... but he's only unconscious, it seems. If he's not treated fast, he'll die! Even Mokona is begging for help from Yuuko.

For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person  would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #22 on: August 03 2006, 03:43 am »
ok. now where did Clone!Syao go?

Offline [~Dark Chocolate~]

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #23 on: August 03 2006, 03:46 am »
omg!! This chapter is... ahhhhh!!!!

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FAI!!!!!!!! NOOOOO, I started crying. I thought he died in second to last page... but he's only unconscious, it seems. If he's not treated fast, he'll die! Even Mokona is begging for help from Yuuko.

For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened
very nice ^^. thanks *that explains a lot ^^*

Offline Ashlee

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #24 on: August 03 2006, 03:47 am »
For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened
omg, that is so sad. I can't believe fai will do that.
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I wonder what they are going to do to help fai.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #25 on: August 03 2006, 03:49 am »
omg!! This chapter is... ahhhhh!!!!

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FAI!!!!!!!! NOOOOO, I started crying. I thought he died in second to last page... but he's only unconscious, it seems. If he's not treated fast, he'll die! Even Mokona is begging for help from Yuuko.

For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened

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Kuro to the rescue! I can't wait for 125!!

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Offline Sokasato

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #26 on: August 03 2006, 03:49 am »
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Maybe Seishirou will save the day! oh, what if he gets turned into a vampire?!! O,O!!...Probably not.
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Offline Jenx

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #27 on: August 03 2006, 03:50 am »
Ah, thanks muchly. That saves me some work. =D
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I wonder what Kuro's price is gonna be? He doesn't have a whole lot left. o_O
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #28 on: August 03 2006, 03:51 am »
For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened

Kuro-sama sugoiii!

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He still doesn't want Fai to die! Muahahahah!
I have a feeling R!Syaoran will travel in the place of C!Syaoran now, since they both paid the same 'price'. I am wondering why C!Syaoran left Sakura behind though. If he wants to get all the feathers, doesn't he need Sakura to put them in?
I just got a nasty vision of C!Syaoran standing next to dead Seishiro's body, holding the feather...
Kamui: Well, that takes care of OUR problem. =3

Credit for the siggie to bLuetopaz! Icon by me!
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #29 on: August 03 2006, 03:52 am »
omg!! This chapter is... ahhhhh!!!!

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FAI!!!!!!!! NOOOOO, I started crying. I thought he died in second to last page... but he's only unconscious, it seems. If he's not treated fast, he'll die! Even Mokona is begging for help from Yuuko.

For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened

Yes thanx for the summary! I really understand it now. I can read Japanese but sometimes I just don't know what it all means.. @_@ Wow, now I REALLY can't wait for ch. 125!!!

Offline Becster

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #30 on: August 03 2006, 03:52 am »
*raises hand timidly*

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...Can we say 'canon' now? =DDD;;;....

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Offline Sokasato

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #31 on: August 03 2006, 03:53 am »
*raises hand timidly*

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...Can we say 'canon' now? =DDD;;;....

I'm sorry what's canon?
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Offline [~Dark Chocolate~]

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #32 on: August 03 2006, 03:53 am »
I highly doubt syoaran will kill seishirou, but it would be quite interesting if he did ^^
so there is a chapter next week right. I just want to make sure^^

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #33 on: August 03 2006, 03:54 am »
omg!! This chapter is... ahhhhh!!!!

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FAI!!!!!!!! NOOOOO, I started crying. I thought he died in second to last page... but he's only unconscious, it seems. If he's not treated fast, he'll die! Even Mokona is begging for help from Yuuko.

For non-Japanese speakers, here's what happened:
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When Syaoran tries to go into the portal, Sakura begs him not to go, but he brushes her off. Subaru wakes up and says "I made you wake up at the most paintful time..."(Subaru doesn't say "I", but you know how Japanese don't have pronouns..) Kamui comes, Subaru apologizes to him for making him worry and Kamui tells Subaru that they have to go before "he" comes, but Subaru says no, to wait.
And here comes Kuro. He asks R!Syaoran about the symbol on his chest, and R!Syaoran says it's symbol of the person who killed his mother. Kuro get's POed and is about to attack but Yuuko tells him to wait. Yuuko tells Kuro that R!Syaoran was captive of the one who killed Kuro's mother and R!Syaoran doesn't know where he was(where he was being held captive).
Mokona tells Kuro of how Sakura, R!Syaoran and Fai are all injured, and Kuro tells Yuuko to tell him everything later.

The glasses-person(sry, dont know the name) treating Fai says it's impossible, Mokona asks what she means. The glasses-person explains that Fai's eye was pretty much ripped out. Ordinarily, a person  would have died from shock in the he is in situation. There isn't enough medicine either, and there is no doctor. Satsuki-chan is medical student but to do operation would be difficult. Tearful Mokona asks what would happen to Fai. Everyone's grim silent (you know what that means, Fai would die) Realizing what the silence means, Mokona calls on Yuuko, begging for help, telling her Fai is dying, but Fai says no, not to help him. Fai says if he stays alive, so would his magic(his magic in C!Syaoran). Even if it's onlly half, it's too powerful for C!Syaoran, and he would become unstoppable. Then very angry Kuro. He angritly comments on how Fai is just giving himself up. Despite Mokona telling him not to, Kuro grabs Fai, who tells him "sorry" and loses consciousness. Then Kuro says "Witch, is there a way to help him" and Yuuko says "There is"

Okay, that wasn't short but should tell you everything that happened

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Subaru us sooo sweet! And Clon!Syaoran is sooo iv0l T___T, FWR was smiling, that bastard, I bet everything's pretty much going as his plan XP that matapasiones...

Sakura is so angsty!! Poor thing... Meh, who cares about her, OMGFAYPLEASE DON'T DIE!!... I bet Yuuko's gonna make Kurorin give up his strenght/eye/penis to save Fay :D!

Thanks, Mina, for the summary!
~ ~ ~

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #34 on: August 03 2006, 03:54 am »
*raises hand timidly*

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...Can we say 'canon' now? =DDD;;;....
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #35 on: August 03 2006, 03:54 am »
I'm sorry what's canon?

Canon is something that does happen in the series. Like...the group going to Outo is canon. Anything that's fact in the series.

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #36 on: August 03 2006, 03:55 am »
Canon is something that does happen in the series. Like...the group going to Outo is canon. Anything that's fact in the series.

Oh. Thank you!
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Offline Becster

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #37 on: August 03 2006, 03:56 am »
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I bet Yuuko's gonna make Kurorin give up his strenght/eye/penis to save Fay :D!

You made me LOL. I hope it's not the final option.

Fai wouldn't be very happy if it was!! XD

Sig made by meliwan <3

Made by Capella
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We KuroFai fangirls are so polite. We politely agree that everyone is allowed to like other pairings, we politely accept everyone else's opinions, and then we, very politely, of course, crush their arguments for other pairings with our infallible KuroFai logic. <3

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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #38 on: August 03 2006, 03:56 am »
Yes, Becster. XD YES you can.
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Re: Chapter 124
« Reply #39 on: August 03 2006, 03:58 am »
definately.. CANON-
Clearly kurogane is PO that Fye is giving up- meaning that he cares about him! <3 (LOVESHIMZOMG!)

yeah..... I am still staring at the pretty pictures.....

ANYWAY! This is for y'all KUROFAILUVERS!
From me- to you <3