I won't put this in a spoiler tag, since this, after all, is the 8th page.
Finally something happens. The last two or so chapters have seemed somewhat dull to me. Poor, poor Fai... I love it when my favourite characters suffer. You know... there is a possibility that Yuuko isn't referring to herself when she says that there is something that might help him, right? I figure that with such a cliffhanger before the next chapter, CLAMP can't just do the Yuuko trademark again - they need something unexpected. Imagine how it'd be if...
Kurogane: Is there really no way to help him?
Yuuko: ...There is.
Kuro: *leans forward*
Yuuko: ... And that is...
Kuro: *almost trips over. Same with readers*
Yuuko: ...it is...
Kuro/readers: ...!
Yuuko: ... You pay me a price to fix it! ^^
Kuro/readers: ... Couldn't you have said that right away? -__-
Maybe Kuro will have to do something ultra-dangerous and macho-heroical? Something involving the acid rain, mayhaps? Ah... dunno in what way the rain could be useful, but it's all my sleepy brain can think of at the moment.
subaru looks like a girl...if beetrain makes it to this point, they BETTER not do what they did to ashura
it was plausable with ashrua cuz ashura is asexual, but doing that to subaru will piss off all TB and x fans, ne?
First, being asexual means that one does not have a sexual drive and/or romantic attraction (it has been debated whether asexuality means lacking both, or just one of the two). Ashura however might be either intersexual (being born with both male and female physical sex characteristics, or something that defines as neither), intergender (identifying as neither male nor female or a bit of both), or possibly just androgynous. Second, I really don't think the lipstick was that horrible, seeing how they compensated it with giving Ashura are very male-looking way of moving.