I really don't think that kuro's price will be his memory of tomoyo, his family, or never to return. the whole memory thing has been done. and the whole reason hes on this journey is to return home so if he has to give that up what is there left. Even though I think someone said earlier that they will roam endlessly together. That so reminds me of Legolas and Gimli from Lord of the Rings, it is an interesting comparing them to fai and kurogane...
i agree.
i also agree w3ith the person who said that kuro will most likly sacrifice his trenght.
sacrifising his memories is to cliche, and unpllauseable, his past made him who he is. with out them, who is he?
sacrifising his wish is also not liley and somewhat predictable.
sacrificing his strength: thers an 80%+ chance of that. before tomoyo sent him on this trip, he prided himself in being the striongest warior. his strenght is currently his most valued PERSONAL posseion (fai is his most precuois person

) so sacrificing his strength, and maybe even giving it to fai, so fai can get out of the shock...THAT seems most likely to happen.