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What name would you like to have instead?^^

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well, my name sounds a little boyish (rosen) and it's unique.. AND I LIKE IT! i hate my second name (paula) it's so girlish for my personality...

going back to the topic:
  i would like to have a name of Merriana and nickie for that is 'Rianne' (ri-yey-n)

when it comes to japanese:
  i want the name Rina and have a nickname of Rai... :hehe:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 23 2006, 12:21 am ---don't feel ashamed ishiyaki,potatoes are my favorite meal :keke:!

in video games i have also picked up some names which were cute:
"Lemina","Luna","Schala","Elly","Jean","Aeris","Sierra","Gally","Palom"...and so many others!
i especially love the sound with the letter "L",it gives a sweet phonation :wink:

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hehe, i'm delicious for you! :hehe:
I forgot to say my real name,It's Belén (yes, like jewish village where Jesus was born)
what' yours, Tatasenko?:D


--- Quote from: ishiyaki on August 25 2006, 01:57 am ---hehe, i'm delicious for you! :hehe:
I forgot to say my real name,It's Belén (yes, like jewish village where Jesus was born)
what' yours, Tatasenko?:D

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i know that this isn't the right topic but my real french name is "Elodie",which rings like "melody",so it is quite poetic tuneful and harmonious,even if however i don't know any song about it  :sweatdrop:

Ishiyaki,your real name Belèn remenber me of a manufacturer's trademark called "Belun",specialized in aperitif biscuits  :haha:!
you real name and nickname are both very crispy  :okay:

Like my names, both online and real. Wouldn't change them for the world :)


--- Quote from: Arcademan on August 25 2006, 07:05 am ---Like my names, both online and real. Wouldn't change them for the world :)

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héhé,your nickname "Arcademan" means that you are a hardcore gamer don't you  :keke:?


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