Thank you, Pikari, for your own translated version! Â

 *hands out imaginary cookie as well*
Anyway, how will they find out where C/Syaoran is? Â 
There are several ways:
1) Yuuko. Â She could give the group something like a tracking device to tell them whether they are in a world where C!Syaoran is.
2) The group goes off their business travelling to other worlds, like before. Â They'll only run into C!Syaoran depending on which world they come across. Â This is what I think will mostly happen. Â The only difference is having R!Syaoran in the group, which is going to take a little time to get use to. Â His past is something that I'm anticipating the most to read besides Fai's. Â *nods nods* Â
3) One of Mokona's 108 Secret Techniques is to find a clone! Â

4) Kamui and Subaru help out more than expected...
5) The group will cross paths with C!Syaoran near the end of the series. Â A giant face-off will be in FWR's hide-out. Â Mwhaahahah.... Â
6) CLAMP's magic. Â Â
Edit: 7) C!Syaoran will appear before the group on his own "will". That is, if he even obtains back his "will". O_o
And that's as much as I can think of right now. Â Â >_< Â