CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions

Chapter 125

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Yeah for Pikari! <3 I don't mind the translation, 'What do I have to do?' To me, it completely implies that Kurogane isn't even bothering to ask what the price is- the idea of NOT paying the price doesn't even cross his mind. And when Kamui refuses to let Subaru give his blood, the translation, 'If he becomes an interference like that hunter,' makes a lot more since than, 'if that hunter becomes a hindrance again,' since Seishirou isn't there. XD

...I'm still loving the idea of Syaoran and the X characters standing there thinking, '...Yep, they're gay.'

*goes to join party*

MagicBulletGirl, Pikari, and Hoshisenshi: Thanks for the chapter!!

oh man this chapter was so amazing!!! Thank You so much for the scanlation!!!


--- Quote from: Pikari on August 08 2006, 04:28 am ---Actually, take that back. ^^;; Now that I finally have my kanji dictionary back, (Omg, how did I live without it for a month? XD) the first translation that came out was right. It's "tomo", as in companion, friend. "His companion's feelings have reached him/have been communicated".. something like that. Yeah. Eeh.. sorry to be changing things when you just put out the scanlation, hoshisenshi. ^^;; Hmm, although.. they're not all that different, necessarily, as it doesn't say *whose* companion or if it's both.. so the feelings could be mutual. Especially looking at Fai's "accepting" smile in the one panel.
[/KuroFai fan-reasoning]

And you didn't fail, mela.. Fai looks much better in that panel than he did before. Really, I hope CLAMP fixes it for the tankoubon or something. What were they thinking? What program do you use to color? I'm curious what filter or whatever you use to make all the cool dotty-ness. ^^;;

--- End quote ---

Haha, either way, it's still good! Fai definitely looks so accepting in that panel, he's definitely realized that Kurogane is willing to do anything to make him live. I think Fai isn't going to be angry (mad enough to kill Kurogane, as all those blind other fans in denial, as you can see by his expression. I don't think CLAMP would have shown him like that if he hadn't been accepting of it. Plus, I am sure Fai wouldn't mind having to be with Kurogane any way.

Thank you, I am glad it didn't suck as badly as I thought :XD: I don't know why Fai looks so scary. The shading is really the main problem, which is why I chose that picture to work on. I use Paint Shop Pro, and to make the dots you just play around with the "Halftone" settings. Photoshop has a halftone filter too though, so you can create that effect in either program.

--- Quote ---to mela : noo, you get an A+ for that editing! X3 Looks much better than the original shading. *__*
--- End quote ---
Thank you  :surprised:

Scanslated  ^^;


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