Yeah ^_^, I like this picture in particular a lot:

Yay for the black outfits XD
I find this one cute myself, love Syaoran peeking behind Fuuma. XD

Actually, I think I've seen more Subaru and Kamui pics of them at the same age in those CLAMP in Wonderland things than Kamui and Sakura. But that's probably because Kamui and Subaru's characters are over 15 years old. I think they either shrunk Subaru or made him 15 for TRC, because in most of the illustrations of the two, Kamui is shorter.

Okay, enough about images. I always thought that Fai's tattoo was his way of using his magic without Ashura noticing. Yuuko said it was to keep the powers within and Fai said that he wouldn't use magic without it. Fai used magic right in front of Ashura to go to Yuuko and Ashura didn't wake up. So I think it's like a cloaking device of sorts (that sounded cheesy, sorry...). But it could also be that it was used to control his powers.
On if R!Syaoran has feelings or not, you have to remember that he had never truly met that Sakura before. It's a little hard to fall in love with someone you've never truly met. So maybe after they interact for a while something may arise. Who knows, anything is possible. What I'd like is for the clone to gain a heart and her be with him. But it all depends on what she fell in love with, his heart or his body. Because right now his heart is within R!Syaoran.
Perhaps in the long run, her losing her memories of him was for the better. Think of how things would have been if this had happened with her remembering her past with him. It would probably have been far more painful.