I find this one cute myself, love Syaoran peeking behind Fuuma. XD

Actually, I think I've seen more Subaru and Kamui pics of them at the same age in those CLAMP in Wonderland things than Kamui and Sakura. But that's probably because Kamui and Subaru's characters are over 15 years old. I think they either shrunk Subaru or made him 15 for TRC, because in most of the illustrations of the two, Kamui is shorter.
Yeah, I have more of Kamui and Subaru, that's easy, after all they are more related than Kamui and Sakura, I reallylike CLAMP's special pictures.
*snickers* I like how the three of them have cameras, stalking Sakura and Kamui.
Better be careful guys, Fuuma is rather possessive of Kamui.
I love that picture! is of my favorites, I love the they are stalking Kamui and Sakura too, specially Fuuma and Tomoyo with the video cameras! oh yeah, careful people, you dn't want to mess with an angry Fuma, do you?
Fuuma: *recording Kamui with the camara* Jeje...
-Random guy about to pass near Sakura and Kamui-
Fuuma: Do not even think about it *death-glare*
Random Guy: O_OU okay... *walks away*
she will never go against destiny,but she will also never allow someome to change it
Yeah, I like Yuuko a lot, She has a very important roll in Tsubasa, I wonder if they are going to say more about Yuuko and Clow in the Future.