CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
Chapter 125
--- Quote from: ChibiChocobo on August 17 2006, 03:49 am ---I was on vacation for 2 weeks and in confused wasnt chapter 126 suposed to come out last week or was it delayed or something im so confused >.<''
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chapter 126 hasn't be delayed,this cruel destiny is due to either a god's joke or the devil's plan :sweatdrop:...
this expression should had remenbered you something,didn't you :wink:?
so what do you think,is CLAMP a god or a devil to make us waiting so long :haha:?
Two weeks is better than 3+ years for a new X chapter, which is still nowhere on the horizon. that case, "Devil". -_-
Yersi Fanel:
--- Quote from: nefadol on August 17 2006, 06:48 am ---Two weeks is better than 3+ years for a new X chapter, which is still nowhere on the horizon. that case, "Devil". -_-
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Yes, that right
[out of topic] did you hear? CLAMP it's going to puclish something about next next month! I so hope this means that they are going to continue some ow soon!! X, YAY!! [/out of topic]
--- Quote from: Yersi Fanel on August 17 2006, 07:12 am ---Yes, that right
[out of topic] did you hear? CLAMP it's going to puclish something about next next month! I so hope this means that they are going to continue some ow soon!! X, YAY!! [/out of topic]
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Well, they are going to publish the last 5 chapters (of v19) in that Newtype Platinum, which is a good sign if you ask me. There's really no way to read the last chapters other than old issues or online, so I think they're refreshing people's memories. It would be a bit odd for them to put those chapters out there for no reason, and then not have a follow up (even considering there's going to be new art too).
Given all the X stuff going on in Tsubasa, it would be good timing.
gomen off topic...why hasn't X been published until the end? this manga has a few years, isn't it? :hmp:
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