CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions

Chapter 125

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i just notice a detail that can have his importance depending on the way we interpretate it!
this is about Kurogane's tie!
to chapter 120 until chapter 123 he still have it,event if it is dispatched

but in chapter 123 he removes it,and it corresponds to the moment where he lifts up Fai in his arms...

so the question is why  :surprised:?peharps that in chapter 123 his tie has been totally ripped out because of the intensity of the fight between the two Shaolan  :sweatdrop:!
or else he may have removed it himself because he was hot because Fai in his arm was too sexy  :haha:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 02:32 am ---i just notice a detail that can have his importance depending on the way we interpretate it!
this is about Kurogane's tie!to chapter 120 until chapter 123 he still have it,event if it is dispatched

but in chapter 123 he removes it,and it corresponds to the moment where he lifts up Fai in his arms...

so the question is why  :surprised:?peharps that in chapter 123 his tie has been totally ripped out because of the intensity of the fight between the two Shaolan  :sweatdrop:!
or else he may have removed it himself because he was hot because Fai in his arm was too sexy  :haha:

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I do think the second explanation is more logical by far - let's face it, who wouldn't think it's too hot if Fai was that close? *snicker*

And I'm so relieved the tie is finally off... I don't think it really suited him, he always reminded me of a frustrated office worker or something...

Sailor Yue-chan:
i didnt notcie that. im glad too it got taken off. it shoulda gone fof when he jumped into the pit to save fai ^^


--- Quote from: Tenkouken on August 16 2006, 08:47 pm ---I don't know if this bellongs to this thread, but I'm puzzled about what's with that staff Syaoran has, this one I mean:

I'm wondering what it is, and when we're gonna see that in action, now that Hien is gone. That and which Syaoran is holding it ^_^;.

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I'm all late on the compass posts, but I was rereading the earlier part of the series (which I skip way too much), and I came across the compass.  It's from the spash page for chapter 2.

I don't think it really has any true purpose, other than to signify the search for memories.

this compass could be the symbol of the crossroads between dimensions ,regardless of his form (one circle and two half circle turning around each other... :surprised:)
but when i look the design on the circles, it seems to represent a sort of graduation :
three pointers are pointing out differents locations and lines which can be compared to a clock  :keke:!
so i guess that this compass is an artefact to travel across SPACE and TIME  :okay:


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