AuthorTopic: Chapter 125  (Read 198367 times)

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #560 on: August 22 2006, 12:23 pm »
i'll be sad if they go back to syaoran and sakura in 126, i couldn't imagine these past two weeks of building up hopes for fai and kurogane, then have absolutely nothing about them...

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #561 on: August 22 2006, 12:23 pm »
Given the way vampires tend to be portrayed in manga, Fay's personality is not going to change unless CLAMP decides to change it for some reason. I have yet to see any manga depicting vampires that have major personality changes unless they completely reject their condition and go psychotic.

Given the way Fay tends to act, I don't see such a drastic change. I agree with Emiko as well. I don't think Fay will be any more than hesitant. He may not have wanted to be saved at first, but I don't think he's the type to completely reject what Kuro has just done for him, either.
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #562 on: August 22 2006, 01:16 pm »
*blink blink* Sheesh...  I'm gone to work for 13hrs and I miss all the 'fun'. (BTW Emiko, Jeannette, if I could give out cookies I would! Lovely responses!)

Any way! I am also of the belief that Fay's personality won't change that much. What I could see is a possible depression, or self loathing happening for a while until Kurogane (or maybe Fay in a sudden show of personal growth) snaps him out of it.  I can see him getting lost in space, and the smiles being slightly more forced, but once again, the time spent on this would probably be very limited. In the grand scheme of the Tsubasa world, the current Fay problem is merely a subplot and should end with in a the next few chapters or so.

Anne Rice seems to have largely shaped the way the Western Vampire is seen. Rather than Ghoulish figures we see in early films,  Such as the Germany release of the 1922 film “Nosferate: eine Symphonie des Grauens”,  in which Max Schreck brought life to Stoker's character for the first time, in a rather frightening portrayal, then the character was later given a more sophisticated upgrade in 1931 film “Dracula” But was still very frightening to see.

Rice gave vampires more depth, in Interview with the Vampire and it escalated from there. I'm sure we're going to see something along the lines of a more Ricean Vampire lore (which is quite similar to current Anime/manga types) Where 'feeding' is seen as a highly sexual experience (Thought his seems to be true in most vampire myths) Considering the most common places to bite tend to be more on the.. ummm 'sensitive' side. The wrist being the most impersonal... but even then a bite there can send it's victim on a delirious rush of pleasure. (I can hope for this right? *happy fangirl land)

Though there is a running theme with most vampire stories, it is how they deal with immortality, and the loneliness that comes with it. I'm not sure how they will handle this with Fay, considering he's only half vampire and bound to Kurogane. Is it possible that Fay will stop aging and look roughly early to mid 20's for the rest of his life (whenever Kurogane dies)? Or because he's only a half blood would he still age like a normal human? Those are the questions I am seriously curious about. Though it's hard to tell if CLAMP will even dive into such detail, and that line of thought might be left to the hands of fanfiction authors.

And in final note... I am also HIGHLY curious to know how Ashura is going to respond to Fay if those two ever meet face to face again.

Fay: Ashuraou....
Ashura: WTF? O_O

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #563 on: August 22 2006, 01:28 pm »
If Subaru can be a vampire and still act like his Tokyo Babylon counterpart (ie kind and selfless), the change shouldn't affect Fai's personality.  Although I think he's going to lose his mask, his real self may actually show now.  His true personality was never the funny guy hopping all over the place.

The question is, will he show his true face only to Kurogane or to everyone from now on?

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #564 on: August 22 2006, 02:08 pm »
I thought this was a chaptire discussion thread.... I don't see what anyone being pro-gay or anti-gay has to do with Tsubasa. >>;

And I was also at the CLAMP AX Panel - they left the question about KuroFai rather unanswered. They were vague as heck, so I wouldn't base your opinions on KuroFai on it.
indeed...the fact that they dint confirm NOR DENY it means that theres still a chance,

also, about kuro;s pride, i agree, he SWALLOWED his pride to as the one person he ahates most in the universe...did you SEE the look on his face when yuuko said she couldnt grant his wish cuz he couldnt pay the price!? hell THE MAN PUNCHED A WHOLE THRU A CONCRETE WALL!!

anyways, as to vamp fai, im 90% certain that after those events, kurogane wont give fai his mask back. he wont let fai be "HAPPY" much anymore. (tho i hope that fai goes back to teasing kurogane really soon ^_^ i miss that :( )
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #565 on: August 22 2006, 02:58 pm »
I really don't think Fye will change too much.

He is after the 'gay vampire of love'. :P
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #566 on: August 22 2006, 03:56 pm »
Well, regarding changes in personality, I am speculating that Fai might gain something of the Beast, as it would be called in Vampire: the Masquerade. There would be the instinct to hunt and feed. In his case, he can only feed from Kurogane. As for the rest, if he did acquire the Beast, Fai might gain some bloodlust or at least become slightly more ruthless. The question is how well he could keep it in check, and usually it is for the sire to teach the childe. If Fai needs guidance regarding how to adapt to his at least semi-vampiric state, he should consult Kamui, his sire.

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #567 on: August 22 2006, 04:02 pm »
I had read a lot about vampires (I like vampire’s stories also I'm a Roll player, so I play Vampire the Masquerade and others) the personality of a vampire is a mirror of what he was in his living self, is almost the same but without the bonds of the mortal life. But he can get in frenzy  if he does not eat

And in other points, Here’s the thing… if we go straight to the vampire common rules, Fai was not embrace, Kamui is Fai’s sire but if you see this in the levels of normal vampires, Fai’s is not a full vampire but a gould, he is still mortal but has to drink blood to keep the abilities the his sire gave to him (also fallow the sire orders, but I do not think Kamui would like to have the tachi arround him too much... may be some times, but not all the time XD).

But since this is CLAMP I wonder how are they going to do this…   I mean, Anne Rice play with the rules, I think CLAMP can do the same.

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #568 on: August 22 2006, 04:11 pm »
alot of autors have diferent rules for their own versions of vampires. look at Joss Wedon's[Angel/Buffy] rules for vampires. their diferent from the "traditional" rules, but still hekd some of them near...i think...:dodge:
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #569 on: August 22 2006, 04:22 pm »
alot of autors have diferent rules for their own versions of vampires. look at Joss Wedon's[Angel/Buffy] rules for vampires. their diferent from the "traditional" rules, but still hekd some of them near...i think...:dodge:

Strange mental image of the Neanderthal  forehead those vampires had... and picturing that on Fay brought so many levels of sadness....

Yes, every one has their own theories on vampires. It is going to be very interesting to see how CLAMP plays this out.

It had gotten to the point where I didn't think Fay could notch up any more on my Favorite Anime/manga Character List... but then the lovely women at CLAMP had to pull this one on me...  The idea alone was enough to push him to number one... *cuddles her Hisoka plushie* I'm sorry HISOKA! *flails*

I just pray he doesn't spout black wings... or it's over for me... *sits there with that happy image*
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #570 on: August 22 2006, 05:01 pm »
Who knows if CLAMP is up on the realm of Vampire role play, though. It's safe to assume they've had some exposure to at least Anne Rice, and perhaps Stoker's dracula, as those are the two sources Japanese people seem to draw from when they create Vampires in manga.

However, we don't know what exactly they'll do until it's seen. It's fun to speculate, but over-speculation may lead to disappointment. If someone likes one interpretation of vampires and this is drastically different, that person may get upset.

The only things we know is that this was the way to save Fay, and Fay will have to depend on Kurogane for life. We don't know what abilities he will gain or what changes he will undergo.
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #571 on: August 22 2006, 09:11 pm »
Though there is a running theme with most vampire stories, it is how they deal with immortality, and the loneliness that comes with it. I'm not sure how they will handle this with Fay, considering he's only half vampire and bound to Kurogane. Is it possible that Fay will stop aging and look roughly early to mid 20's for the rest of his life (whenever Kurogane dies)? Or because he's only a half blood would he still age like a normal human? Those are the questions I am seriously curious about. Though it's hard to tell if CLAMP will even dive into such detail, and that line of thought might be left to the hands of fanfiction authors.

And in final note... I am also HIGHLY curious to know how Ashura is going to respond to Fay if those two ever meet face to face again.

Fay: Ashuraou....
Ashura: WTF? O_O


With regard to vampiric immortality, powerful magicians in CLAMP often have very long lifespans and don't age as normal humans at all (think about how old Yuuko is). So, that might not really be a change for Fai - he could be hundreds of years old already for all we know. In fact, becoming a vampire bound to Kurogane may have shortened his lifespan, since Kurogane only has a normal lifespan. We don't know exactly how powerful one has to be to gain that kind of immortality, though, so Fai may not qualify (though he does seem pretty darn powerful).

Ashura-ou: Wait, so you run away from me, join up with a clone, a ninja, and a girl with amnesia and phenominal cosmic powers, go looking for feathers, get involved in some kind of ultimate power struggle, and now you're a vampire.
Fai: That's pretty much it, yes. ^.^
Ashura-ou: ...Hold on, I think I need a drink.

(BTW, Kudos to Emiko and Jeannette for earlier.)
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #572 on: August 22 2006, 10:02 pm »
waouh,already 3 pages added since yesterday?if i had known i shouldn't have gone to sleep to participate!
for one week there was only few posts on this topic,and now that chapter 126 is about to be released everybody can't hold themselves anymore!you should save your breath for tomorrow  :haha:

what is a little disapponiting about Fai,is that he lost half his magic before we could see his true potential,and now he has got new abilities as vampire  while we didn't even know how powerful he was with only his magic  :surprised:!
i really would have wanted to see him fight as a true necromancer,with gorgeous atrworks made by CLAMP when he his casting spells  :keke:!
because except when he travelled in Yuuko's dimension,his whistle,and his intervention to protect Clone Shaolan heart we have never seen him battle seriously  :shifty:!
we don't even know how his magic looks like,what element he uses,and the name of his summonings,until now if he had never said that he was a mage,anybody would have guess  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #573 on: August 23 2006, 01:20 am »
i added a chapter to my fic "Things Could Have Been Different" whih is my fai narrative that i posted after ch 120...the second ch shows his POV and thouhts durin ch  124/ R&R it if you like ^^
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #574 on: August 23 2006, 02:30 am »
I just pray he doesn't spout black wings... or it's over for me... *sits there with that happy image*

I think the only character that can have black wings is Kamui, the cute little devil that he is. ^_^

Fai'll be fine...I think.  I'm interested in how the whole vampire thing works in CLAMP.  Perhaps things work differently for made vampires and not those that were born, which is already quite different from I've read about vampires.  Kamui and Subaru are purebred, meaning they were born that way.  Also Yuuko said that their healing powers were greater due to this, so could this mean that Fai'll be much stronger since he was made a vampire by a purebred and not a made vampire?

One thing that I'm wondering about, who was Subaru talking about when he was being locked inside the cocoon?  He said "this is what he was talking about" while looking at the feather.  Did somebody warn him about the feather before they came to Tokyo?  If so, who?

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #575 on: August 23 2006, 02:38 am »
I think Fai's personality will pretty much stay the same as it was before- I don't see Fai becoming much more of a angst bunny than CLAMP has already made him. xd

As for Subaru's, 'This is what he was talking about,' I assume that he was talking about Seishirou. What exactly Seishirou said to Subaru, I don't know.
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #576 on: August 23 2006, 03:10 am »
I think the only character that can have black wings is Kamui, the cute little devil that he is. ^_^
Don't forget Kujaku from Rg Veda and the demons in 'Wish'.

I do agree that Fai's personality won't change. I'm more interested in his powers though. Will he get super speed ala TRC!Kamui? Amy other enchanced capabilities? Maybe his magic will change? Will that further liimits him or will he gain equal ground with Cloney?

Still waiting for Seishirou and Ashura-ou to pop up...Fuuma better make at least one more appearance too.

I fear Clamp will skim any explanations of Fais condition in the next chapter. Instead we'll probably get FWR and Cloney. Gah.

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #577 on: August 23 2006, 04:15 am »
Don't forget Kujaku from Rg Veda and the demons in 'Wish'.

I do agree that Fai's personality won't change. I'm more interested in his powers though. Will he get super speed ala TRC!Kamui? Amy other enchanced capabilities? Maybe his magic will change? Will that further liimits him or will he gain equal ground with Cloney?

Still waiting for Seishirou and Ashura-ou to pop up...Fuuma better make at least one more appearance too.

I fear Clamp will skim any explanations of Fais condition in the next chapter. Instead we'll probably get FWR and Cloney. Gah.

Ohmygawd, I just had the horrible vision of Fai being the only one equal to Cloney now and dying in the final while fighting him :cry: That'd be such a cruel end.
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #578 on: August 23 2006, 05:25 am »
Ohmygawd, I just had the horrible vision of Fai being the only one equal to Cloney now and dying in the final while fighting him :cry: That'd be such a cruel end.

i don't want to spoil the mood but i fear that this eternal bond that links now Fai and kurogane may be the reason of their death  :sweatdrop:
i mean that i find somewhat strange that at the end of the serie they will live together  only for each other until the end of seems a little too more idyllic  :shifty:...

so the only way for CLAMP to "break the bond" is to kill them!it's a possibility that kurogane and Fai sacrifice themselves to save Shaolan and Sakura,and in that case they will nevertheless remain united,but in the other world,so CLAMP wouldn't have anymore to deal with their fate  :angel7:.
it sounds creepy but i wouldn't be surprised if it happened,even if of course i want them to end up together  :keke:!
but i don't think that CLAMP can give us this kind of dreamer outcome,because it would be too meaningful  :okay:

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #579 on: August 23 2006, 06:20 am »
I agree with you tatsenko.