AuthorTopic: Chapter 125  (Read 198549 times)

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Offline duchessa

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #240 on: August 09 2006, 01:27 am »
Gods, yeah, you didn't make you many friends here with that statement >>" Sorry if it sounds rude, but if you dislike shounen-ai, don't read CLAMP. Just don't.

(What does FTW mean?)
I think you're right. There's no way they possibly could die. Nope, nah, never. And if it's only because CLAMP know they'll be killed by crazy fangirls if they kill KF XD

They were gutsy enough to kill
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...but yeah, I think I'd do something drastic if they kill KF.
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #241 on: August 09 2006, 05:56 am »
*double spread Fay*  *looking gay*


Oh, that was good for a laugh!

have to agree with the comments that if you don't like shounen-ai then you shouldn't read Clamp

Offline Kjesta

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #242 on: August 09 2006, 06:15 am »
Something about 'double-spread Fai' looking 'like he's really into yaoi-stuff' is making me laugh really freaking hard. XD XD And I think that's all I have to say to that post, except if you don't like shounen-ai, that's fine, but there won't be any bashing or rude remarks here.

Hmm, I can totally see Fai writing naughty yaoi stories about him and Kuro, of course they'd be picture books though. XD XD *imagines Fai drawing his naughty little pictures and sipping on lemonade with a big grin on his face*

OMG, I already forgot - of course it has to be picture books :rotfl: Heavens, this is hilarious! But beware, if Kurogane ever finds them. Though... Maybe he'll decide to have a little reading session with Fai XD *slaps herself for having naughty pictures on mind*

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #243 on: August 09 2006, 06:29 am »
I've got a theory!!!

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Fei Wong Reed is really a vampire!
Remember what Kamui said? "E is bait. Without a soul, they imitations inside a human body. Raised as food for beings who drink blood."
Remember what Fei Wong said about Xing Huo? "You were also a failed creation."
Fei Wong is always seen drinking a glass of wine. But what if it's not wine? What if it's blood? Xing Huo's blood? In the early manga chapters, we see Fei Wong surrounded by several women. If he kills Xing Huo, he could still feed on those other women, right? He created Xing Huo himself, so he isn't dependend on her, the way Fai would be on Kurogane.
Am I making sense?

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #244 on: August 09 2006, 08:07 am »
I've got a theory!!!

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Fei Wong Reed is really a vampire!
Remember what Kamui said? "E is bait. Without a soul, they imitations inside a human body. Raised as food for beings who drink blood."
Remember what Fei Wong said about Xing Huo? "You were also a failed creation."
Fei Wong is always seen drinking a glass of wine. But what if it's not wine? What if it's blood? Xing Huo's blood? In the early manga chapters, we see Fei Wong surrounded by several women. If he kills Xing Huo, he could still feed on those other women, right? He created Xing Huo himself, so he isn't dependend on her, the way Fai would be on Kurogane.
Am I making sense?

hmm not sure about that, i think that might be too many vampires I mean i don't think its going to turn into a vampire story. that would be unfair to the story line so far, I feel like that anyway. But ya i'm wondering about the eye thing too. Can he regenerate it now that hes a vampire? I wouldn't mind either way, fai with eye or fai with sexy eye patch i'm fine and dandy ;)

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #245 on: August 09 2006, 08:21 am »
i don't think that Fye will recover his eye,because it is Clone Shaolan who hold it now!
Fye can't develop a "new left eye",it would be too weird 0__o

his wounds will heal but his left socket will certainly remain close...or else he may obtain a red left eye cause of Kurogane's blood (he would be so cool with two différents colors eyes ^^)

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #246 on: August 09 2006, 08:40 am »
Now that Fai has super healing powers, will he... like... grow a new eye? Or will he be wearing an eyepatch the rest of his life? Hmm...
maybe. it woulc certainly please mny fai-fanguirls who are mourning the kloss of it.
Y'know, that could be true XD There's a story on where Fai writes ffs about him and Kurogane - including lemons XD Hey, maybe we read his stories all the time and just don't know it? *g*
Hmm, I can totally see Fai writing naughty yaoi stories about him and Kuro, of course they'd be picture books though. XD XD *imagines Fai drawing his naughty little pictures and sipping on lemonade with a big grin on his face*

i read the oneshot where fai was writing  a naughty yaoi. maybe some of the other naughty ones  were secretly by him XDD his doujinshi's would also be most ezxcelent since he's a skilled drawer ^_^
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #247 on: August 09 2006, 08:55 am »
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i remember that FWR said that Xing Huo was a failed clone to... i just tought Xing Huo was a clone of Yuuko, her eyes are like yuuko's eyes... what do you think?
๑★๑ Would you? ๑★๑

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Offline Meowzy

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #248 on: August 09 2006, 08:57 am »
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.

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Offline duchessa

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #249 on: August 09 2006, 09:10 am »
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.
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Why would the Syaorans look alike but XH and Sakura completely different if thats the case? Not to mention she doesn't act like Sakura... unless they're doing another Nova-Hikaru(from MKR) where both are opposite aspects of the same person.... XH is a creation, but is she really a clone? It wouldn't be as shocking anymore...

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #250 on: August 09 2006, 09:27 am »
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True, true. But it could be that he altered Xing Huo's appearance, because Sakura's face annoyed him. I know I would've done the same in his place.  XD
Well, it's just a theory, really. Doesn't have to be right. I'm kinda brainstorming because I'm bored.

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #251 on: August 09 2006, 09:45 am »
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.

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I'm agree with you, I post that page in another chapter, I think XH has more to do with Sakura than anything (and I really, really, do not think FWR is a vampire [Vampire's Story in Tsubasa = (C) Subaru and Kamui XD] He just likes wine, all evil guys think they look better drinking wine) after all, remember that she used the Clow's magic crest to trasport R!Syaoran to yuuko?

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #252 on: August 09 2006, 09:58 am »
Y'know, Yuuko already said what the price for the water was  :O  It's the same as what the vampire twins paid to hop dimensions.  That might help with the theorizing a bit, since it just has to be reasoned out what both Kamui/Subaru and Kurogane have to give as payment for something like that.

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #253 on: August 09 2006, 10:51 am »
Hmm... What could Kamui and Subaru have sacrificed? I wonder...

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Offline nefadol

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #254 on: August 09 2006, 02:08 pm »
@ nefadol : I love your Avatar! *-*

Thanks!  I'm on a coloring manga kick lately. ^_^

I doubt Fei Wong is a vampire, he has a very long lifespan like Clow Reed, but not a vampire.  Maybe he drinks wine because he's an alcoholic like Yuuko? Although Yuuko's smoking may be for the same reason that Subaru and Seishirou smoke in X, it increases their powers. Perhaps alcohol works in the same manner?  -_-

On what Kamui and Subaru paid, all we know is that it's probably expensive.  It also depends on how often they can travel, Seishirou had a limited amount of times he could hop.  I'd say their blood is most valuable, given that it can save a life and Yuuko would have charged more than Kurogane could have given to do the same.

Either Yuuko meant the same price to Subaru, or that she'd need payment equal to the wish as when she granted their wish to travel to other worlds.  Basically she's saying "I don't need to explain myself, right?".

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #255 on: August 09 2006, 02:29 pm »
theres one thing i see with how fai will feed off kuro. remember, kuro is over 6 feet tall. he's atleast half a foot taller than fai. so fai would either hafe to feed off kuros arm, or sit in kuros lap at feeding time :inlove: (personaly id love to see the latter option :keke:
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #256 on: August 09 2006, 02:32 pm »
Given this is a shounen manga, I doubt we'll see anything.  Probably just Kuro dragging him off and closing the door while everybody looks at each other awkwardly. :haha:

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #257 on: August 09 2006, 03:04 pm »
theres one thing i see with how fai will feed off kuro. remember, kuro is over 6 feet tall. he's atleast half a foot taller than fai. so fai would either hafe to feed off kuros arm, or sit in kuros lap at feeding time :inlove: (personaly id love to see the latter option :keke:

Awww, that'd be SO awesome *starts to drool subconsciously*

Given this is a shounen manga, I doubt we'll see anything.  Probably just Kuro dragging him off and closing the door while everybody looks at each other awkwardly. :haha:

I don't think it's only a shounen manga, it's quite ambigous. Yes, there's much fighting and everything, but the love story about Sakura and Syaoran and all that is more typical for shoujo. So, I think it's not really possible to sort Tsubasa in ^_~
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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #258 on: August 09 2006, 03:30 pm »
*mental image of Kurogane holding out his arm and Fai dangling from it by his teeth, feet not touching the ground*

I wonder what it'll be like in the next world, we have new Syaoran who doesnt love Sakura (I think), Fai's fake-happy act is going to change prob, ditto with Sakura's real happy act, poor Mokona's been traumatised (Black Mokona gets it so much easier), Fai and Kurogane are gonna be uber pissed with eachother for trying to die/not letting him die, Kurogane's gonna be anemic O.o plus the price for the water is gonna be big.
It's not often Watanuki is better off than the Tsubasa Gang He hasnt been badly injured for a while now (does anyone else think Kohane's doomed?).

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Re: Chapter 125
« Reply #259 on: August 09 2006, 03:32 pm »
I don't think it's only a shounen manga, it's quite ambigous. Yes, there's much fighting and everything, but the love story about Sakura and Syaoran and all that is more typical for shoujo. So, I think it's not really possible to sort Tsubasa in ^_~

True, true.  When has CLAMP's series ever really fallen in with what type of magazine it was published in?  X was in a shoujo magazine and it had dismemberment, decapitation, eye gouging, and impaling to name a few.  Not exactly typical girls manga, eh? You'd think Tsubasa could get away with more. ;)