Is someone going to make scanslation out of ladydarkmoon's scans? Just wondering.
nah. no point really

as to cats eye fai. itd be AWSOME to see it in color too. those saphire blue eyes with a cat like qualtiy *_*
as to real syao+ sakura, well i think that would kind of nullify Yukitos premonition at the very begining. Sakura is suposed to be with the clone. i think that sakura will find some way to unlock the clone's heart.
@ the yinyang seal, when clone stole fai's eye, fai tried returning it to him, but it failed, so real syao took it from him when he arrived.
also, i cant wait to see kamui in the anime. someone did a good job with colorizuing a kamui end chap thing. those purplish eyes, itd be cool ^_^