CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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Tsubasa Chronicle (Arc 2): Episode 15

This is the discussion topic for Episode 41 of TRC.

This episode is entitled: The Library's Secret

-episode aired, topic unlocked

Sailor Yue-chan:
interesting ep

it was pretty good

im SO glad they keopt in the Kuro LOOKS. it had cool new music, Instrumental; dreamscape and that cool song that played when syao and kuro fought the sentinals.

i thought that the kuro-glowy eyes paertst were really wierd. and what was UP with him wisperong in mokona's ear ??? O_o

the only bad parts of the ep is that 1 kuro and syao idnt talk about the bat symbol, but it looks to me like that will e in the NEXT ep. (theyre spending the whole ep in memory-clow? looking thru syao's house!???)

and they also left out a VERY important secene. the syao-nightmare. that is a VERY important set up for what happenes to syao later on!!!

PS i simply LOVED it when fai whislted for the first time and tried to tell kuro the good news...when kuro;s busdy fighting a monster XDDD

Sailor Yue-chan:
sorry to double post ^^;;;

but im looking at the episode list. ep 43's title is frightening... "the Five eyes of ****"...BUT lets factor in something...

1 the quality of black steel and this ep are the highest of tehis season.
2 the next episode seems to be that their spending the whole ep in "memory clow" possibly ending with syao going psycho.
3 the ep after that (43) would be them escaping the world.

Thus making lecourt 4 eps long. quality+quantiy=CLAMP has finaly intervened and saved the anime!

i mean, this ep alone has season 1 qualities!

[i half expected them to get kuro-syao chat and the tour of CLOW in one ep the way the other arcs were rushed. <_<]

i seriosuly hope they DID intervene. that way whe shouldnt have TOO much to worry about Tokyo.....

At bee train HQ:
Boss: So whats up next?
Monion: The Show contentTokyo arc.....
B: oh *^%&* uh ok, um......can we maybe...... no..... Sorry too much violence were going to have to take out all arm breaking, leg stabbing, leg shooting, eye gouging, blood drinking and touching moments.
M: So.... what is going to be in this arc?
B: Worm Hunt!

Cant wait for the next arc, at this rate the anime will get in front of the manga O.o.
Yay for beter animation & new music! I love Tsubasa music, must find more Kajura Yuki stuff.

I loved this episode very nicely done, at least Bee Train didn't do muchdamage this time!! Kuro-rin is very nice here and when Fai pinches his cheeks to make him smile...too kawaii!!

But, I gotta know, what is the title of the song that apeared on the final part? Please, anyone tell me. I gotta find it and download it. Very cool music!!  :okay:


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