CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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The only two things that bothered me were (1)Kuro whispering in Mokona's ear. That was... weird. XD (2)They definitely dragged the episode out as long as possible with that arch thing they had to go under. XD I don't remember that being nearly as dramatic in the manga. Besides that, excellent episode. I'm so looking forward to Show contentwhen Fai uses his magic. I hope they manage to make it as pretty as it was in the manga.

I thought it was good too~ They kept the mommy & daddy thing, I was happy. I also want to know what the heck Kurogane was whispering into Mokona's ear, when they gave that part I was like O__o

I think the part with the arch was dragged out too far though. I don't know what that was all about (I know what the arch was for, but I don't know why it had to be dragged out so long). There were too many parts where it was just still images with one or two moving elements too, but I guess we can't complain too much.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: mela on August 08 2006, 03:34 pm ---I thought it was good too~ They kept the mommy & daddy thing, I was happy. I also want to know what the heck Kurogane was whispering into Mokona's ear, when they gave that part I was like O__o

I think the part with the arch was dragged out too far though. I don't know what that was all about (I know what the arch was for, but I don't know why it had to be dragged out so long). There were too many parts where it was just still images with one or two moving elements too, but I guess we can't complain too much.

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in terms of dragging out, Lecourt might last longer than the other arcs this season have. which might be better. rmemeber, last year, Outo was 9 whole, GLORIOUS episodes. the other arcs were between 3-5 eps. Lecourt may turn out to be the best arc animated. (theres no wy theyll get everything in tokyo perfect XP )  its better that its not rushed. Lecourt most definalty is NOT an arc to rush thru. theres too many vital things to pay attention too. Fai and Syaoran, they both get some major development during this arc.

Is the song they played when Kurogane and Syaoran were fighting the sentinels a new song? X3 I really love it. .^^. One of the best episodes so far, I went woah at the last part and rewinded just to listen to the song again. ^^; And oh my!! X3 They sure know how to draw monsters. XD The two beasts look so cool.... <3
However, Kurogane whispering into Mokona's ear because he was teasing her was strange... x_x So was when Mokona was able to use magic to summon the two sword. ._. But then again, it'll look weird in anime if Kurogane and Syaoran were able to break stones with the bare hands and feet. XD

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote ---However, Kurogane whispering into Mokona's ear because he was teasing her was strange... x_x So was when Mokona was able to use magic to summon the two sword. ._. But then again, it'll look weird in anime if Kurogane and Syaoran were able to break stones with the bare hands and feet. XD
--- End quote ---
true. that may turn into a plot hole unless they give t hem back to mokona while they tour Clow. :-/


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