CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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From the great chibiyuuto-san on LJ:

--- Quote ---Upcoming episodes of Tsubasa Chronicle - Season 2:

16 - The Other Side of Nostalgia
In Rekoruto, Syaoran enters inside the memory of Sakura, there he realizes that the soldiers that attacked the ruins have the same symbol of the person who killed Kurogane's mother.

17 - The Five Eyes of Tchicai
Syaoran enters inside of Kurogane's memory again and sees the conversation between Tomoyo and Kurogane.

18 - Kero-chan and Mokona
Still in Rekoruto, Mokona wakes up after a sleeping time and finds out that Syaoran is nowhere around. Panicking, Mokona meets Cerberus, who is one of the guards of the country (possibly from the Library?). Cerberus tells Mokona that the power of Sakura's feather made Syaoran to shrink, that's why Mokona can't find him. Then they find the feather...

Episode titles were taken from ANN

Please notice that things might not happen exactly as it is here.

It doesn't seem as if the X world is going to show up at this season, but we never know, BeeTrain did Piffle in 3 episodes, they might fit the X world in the remaining ones. Not that I care about it anyway...

--- End quote ---

I don't even know what to say. More about Kurogane and Tomoyo? KERO-CHAN?!?!?!?!?!?

Kero? and re-entering Kuro's memory? what the heck is going on?!

this 2nd season might prove to be interesting after all.........

Y'know, guys... I don't really know whether I'll like the next episodes. Fai using magic will be wonderful of course, but I have the distinct feeling BeeTrain will try to imply more het with KuroTomo and that's making me sick!


--- Quote ---18 - Kero-chan and Mokona
Still in Rekoruto, Mokona wakes up after a sleeping time and finds out that Syaoran is nowhere around. Panicking, Mokona meets Cerberus, who is one of the guards of the country (possibly from the Library?). Cerberus tells Mokona that the power of Sakura's feather made Syaoran to shrink, that's why Mokona can't find him. Then they find the feather...
--- End quote ---

.__. ..... Dude.
That is.. really ..random.
How does it even.. fit? They're supposed to go.. get the feather from the book.. then flee.. .__. Now we have a randomly shrinking Syaoran? And Kero o__o? And just.. wtf?
Are they still in Clow here? No? How did they get out without all the running away? *flails*

Also, *cries* Please, no more KuroTomo.
It feels like Bee-train are trying seriously hard to combat the inarguable gay of the recent manga chapters. And just when episode 41 looked like they'd started doing things right....

What's the point of letting Syaoran see the KuroTomo bit, if we've already seen it?
Also, Syaoran shrinks, and then they get the feather? How does that work? They're being chased by guard dogs and whatnot, and somehow Syaoran shrinks, and Mokona wakes up from happy sleep time? O_o


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