CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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Sailor Yue-chan:
its true T_T. the new episode to the list is "Kero-chan and MOkona :cry:

there is SO MUCH importants plots to expoite in the manga that i really don't understand why the anime is wasting his time with such useless episode  :shifty:...
this is so frustrating to see that some wonderful chapters in the manga could be brough to the fore with the animation,and that the productors are likely to botch them to the detriment of boring episodes,it's really a curse  :angry:

Sailor Yue-chan:
as useless as it is to have him in the anime, im curios to see him in the TRC format. (tho id reallyrather see CLAMP's version, not beetrain's. ) judging from the title, and the summery, will we get to see both forms of Kero?

Mokona is seriously getting on my nerves...Kurogane please kill him for me and i will date you with Fai  :sweatdrop:

Nah, they can't kill Mokona. They need him/her to keep travelling.


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