CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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they mainly need him only to make useless episode and slow down the plotĀ  :haha:
(when beetrain are not in a mood of working they use Mokona to make a ridiculous episode and take a break  :sweatdrop:)

I'm not a Mokona fan, It/he/she is always searching attention...I don't say"kill it/she/he", I say "CLOSE ITS/HER/HIS MOUTH AND SHUT UP!!"

it will be difficult to shut his trap because Mokona has a mouth much bigger than his head  :haha:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 14 2006, 08:04 am ---it will be difficult to shut his trap because Mokona has a mouth much bigger than his head :haha:

--- End quote ---
hehe, it's true, ...I would have to paste a giant stickingplaster around mokona's body...:D

he would look like a mummy  :haha:!
if only one of the 108 secrets techniques of Mokona could be to be silent like a carp  :sweatdrop:


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