CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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Sailor Yue-chan:
lol, im thinking in a way, having Kero in the anime is the closest thing in having a CCS crossover <_<

btw, thinking of kero makes me think of how kero treated Syaoran there. many of Syaoran's superiors rarely call him by his name, usualy just brat or Kid.XD (Touya, Kero [i call him syao's superior mainly cuz of his age XP) Kurogane. just something funny i geuss :P

why are they making these fan-ficcy eps so myuch? their funny, intersting but usualy just fanservicing really (Syao-centric, fai-chi, chibi-crack, kuro-tomo, and now trc-ccs xover) the only fillers that i see as NOT being fan-serviceing is the god awful 2 part filler <_<

Sailor Yue-chan:
a new title hasbeen added to the epiosde liat...
" the second time of trial " (poor translation due to the tranlter i had...itsays [   二度目のクナン]

second trial? Of what? Please dont tell me its ANOTHER filler :( they cant run a filler right after the lecorut arc, unless they dont kleave lecourt the way they do in the manga V_V [unless THAT is the last ep in lecourt :confused:

When is the new episode coming out?

Sailor Yue-chan:
next ep airs saturday

God! I wanted to see the next episode! *groans* -She gets bored on saturdays-.


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