CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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What the....from the way it sounds, wouldn't that ruin the talk between Kuro and Fai from chapter 112?


--- Quote from: Znuese on August 26 2006, 10:41 pm ---The preview for 17 is up.
Now, I'm confused about the Fai using magic business..
Show contentthe description makes it sound like he just uses it to help Syaoran, but they stay in Lecourt.. and Syaoran opens the book with Kuro's past in again (I wouldn't've thought it would still work .__. ) and gets to see some more lovely beetrain KuroTomo het. Hoorah.
If that is the case, they totally screwed up the whole tension and storyline.. and everything ._. It just gets worse and worse.

--- End quote ---

Thats weird... Why are they showing stuff from Kuroganes past again??? It's almost like they want to avoid the Tokyo arc as long as possible. That episode is going to totally different from the manga. I hate it when they do that...

Given how fast they can go through arcs (they crammed almost a whole volume of Kurogane's past into one episode), it rather makes sense that they're stretching it.  The Tokyo arc isn't even finished yet, and it's only a little over two volumes long at the moment. >_<

The first thing I said when I saw that preview?
"I hate you. I hate you sooo much."
By which I was referring to Beetrain, obviously. What the heck is that episode going to be about? >_>

I don't even bother watching that episode... It'd kill my mood, no need for that.

(Why, Beetrain, WHY?!)


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